Story: Eighteen

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"Where are we going?"

"We're headed to a Nun place." Sans said.

"A Convent?" M asked, her eyes wide.

He grabbed her hand. "Yeah that. Got some sins need doing."

"Are you religious?"

"No, there's just a cute girl here that I like to, er, visit." Sans blushed faintly.

Molly whined and whimpered," am I cute to you?"

He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss, and, holding her shoulders, he whispered," your the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Even more so than the sun. You ARE my sun."

She giggled. He kissed her hand. "Let's get going."


When you two pulled away, he smiled and tilted his head. "You feel better?"

You nodded, unable to actually form words. He had one hand in your hair, the other behind you. Your face was red, blushing furiously, and you laughed breathlessly.

"Are you okay?" He asked gently.

You felt giddy. "Yeah." You breathed.

He glanced over at the TV, which was still spouting horrifying stories. He reached over, grabbed the remote, and turned it off. He looked back at you and grinned. "You're invited to my room if you want."

You gave him an astonished look. "I'm sorry, are you trying your luck?"

He chuckled. "No, but I mean, if you want to-"

"No, not yet." You blushed and became very aware that he was really close. "So come to your room and...?"

Sans smirked and said," wow, all I wanted to do was sleep and get closer to you, but nevermind." He pulled away, and stood.

You stood up quickly. "Well, erm-" He paused and looked at you slyly. You blushed. "Do you want to?"

He stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't. But you do what you wanna do. Not everyone warms up to others as quickly as me." He smiled, then turned and walked away.

You bit your lip. Did you really want to? What if he tried to so something? You shook it off, then said," hey, wait up!"


You trembled, but not in fear. You were just energetic. You were putting yourself out there. No more hiding!
That is...
If letting someone hold you while you slept counted as 'putting yourself out there.'

Sans mumbled incoherently in his sleep, and you smiled softly. He had one arm over your waist, and the other near his face. You had both in front of your mouth, and you were facing away from him.
A while ago, you'd realized that he wasn't breathing, and panicked for a second. But you realized he just didn't breath when he slept. It seemed creepy at first.
You rolled over, facing him, and he mumbled lightly again. You wiggled closer, then closed your eyes with a contented sigh.


You groggily opened your eyes. "Huh...?"

Sans was gone. You sat up slowly. "Sans?"

"(Y/N)!" He yelled from somewhere in the house. "COME BREAK YOUR FAST!" The kitchen most likely.

You slipped out of his bed and took a moment to look around his room. It was mostly empty, but in the corner was a self sustained dirt devil, except it was random things instead of dirt.

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora