Adopted by Payzer(12)

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Niall came down with Kate. 

"Mommy!"Kate screamed horrified. Niall covered Kate's eyes. 

Dani gave Cassidy one last punch and got off Cassidy. 

"We tried stopping them but.."Louis says trailing off. 

"Babes you let her do this to me?!"Cassidy asks pointing to her face that's scratched up and bruised. 

"Maybe if you'd shut up that wouldn't have happened would it?"Dani snaps angrily. 

"AARRRRGGHH!!"Cassidy screamed and rushed out the door. I grabbed Kate from Niall and hugged her. 

"Excuse me."Dani says walking out of the house. Kate was crying on my shoulder, I rubbed her back.Liam walks over and takes Kate from me. 

"Thanks.."Liam croaks and walks upstairs holding Kate tightly. Liam disappeared in the dark hallway. 

**Liam's pov** 

"Are you tired princess?"I ask Kate setting her down on my bed. She nods. 

"Good, let's go to sleep."I say pulling the covers up covering her. I turn off the lights and get in bed. Kate snuggles close to me. I wrap my arms around her lightly, I sigh and close my eyes. 

"D-Daddy why was mommy on the girl that had a lot of make up?"Kate asks she sounds like she had just finished crying which she had .

"Mommy was..just go to sleep."I say stroking her hair. She nods. 


I wake up and see that Kate had dried tears,she was awake looking at me. 

"What's wrong princess?"I ask putting a hand on her cheek. 

"Nothing.."Kate says smiling. A fake smile. 

"Come on,you can tell me."I say smiling. Kate shakes her head and jumps off the bed. 

"Princess come back!"I say jumping off the bed. Kate rushes out and runs down stairs and rushes to the kitchen. 

"Kate what's wrong?"I ask swooping her off the floor. 

"D-Daddy,I'm scared."Kate says hugging me. 

"Why princess?"I ask hugging back. 

"I can't say it.."Kate whispers her lips quivering as her eyes shoot every where. 

"Why?"I ask rubbing her back. She jumps off me and runs away. What is she talking about?! 

"Hey why is Kate ignoring us, she usually answers."Louis asks walking in. 

"I don't know..when I woke up she was scared."I say. Louis shrugs. 


"Kate?"I ask knocking on her door she hasn't come out of her room the whole day. I twist the knob, she locked it. I grab a bobby pin and unlock it. 

"Kate?"I ask scanning her room, her room is normal. 

"Kate?!"I shout rummaging through her room. 

"Lad what's wrong?"Harry asks walking in. 

"Kate, I can't find her."I say opening the closet doors. Harry helps look for Kate. I look at the window, it's closed. I look out the window and see footprints. I run downstairs and throw my jacket and shoes on. 

"KATE!!"I shout. I run around the whole block shouting her name. My phone rings and I pick up,blocked number. 


"I hear your looking for Kate." 


"Yeah, I have her." 

"How'd you find her?" 

"I didn't I-I uh found her wondering off." 

"Why did you stop at I didn't I." 

"Unless you want her, you have to find her" 

"You son of a bitch give me her!" 

"Find us." 

I hear a little girl crying and screaming in the background. 


"You want to talk to her?" 

"Yes please!" 


"Kate, princess do you know were you are?" 

"No, daddy I'm scared!" 

"It's okay I'll find you, okay?" 


"Promise on everything." 

All of a sudden the call ends. I rush back to the house run in. 

"Lad where were you?"Louis asks. 

"She has her, Kate knew she was coming but didn't tell me!"I say. 

"Who?"Zayn asks. 

"Cassidy!"I shout. 

"I need your help lads, that's my daughter!"I plead, my phone rings. 

"Cassidy, give me my fucking daughter back!" 

"You have a week to find us, not to mention I have someone else." 

"A week,you son of a- birtch!" 

"You have a week to find both of your girls, or else off with their heads." 

She hangs up. I ball my fists. 

"Lads please you have to help, they have Dani and Kate,you know I love them please!"I plead choking back tears. 

"...Alright.."They say nodding their heads giving in.


Adopted By Payzer *Completed but in editing*Where stories live. Discover now