Adopted by Payzer 21

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**Liam's pov**

I got up and followed Louis,We entered the room and I see Dani on the bed screaming.

"Are you the father?"the nurse asks,I nod.

"Dani has gone into labor, she has gone into to much stress hurting the baby."the nurse says.


"Push!"the nurse says,Dani 's grip tightens around my hand.

"Come on babe push!"I say stroking her hair.Dani squeezed her eyes shut screaming.

"We can see the head, push more!"the nurse says. Dani pushes as her knuckles turn white. I could tell she was pushing with all her might.

"Almost there!"the nurse says.

"Almost there, come on Dani. For Niall."I remark.Dani nods screams.

"Okay,Dani one last push!"the nurse says.Dani gives the last push all her will.

"It's out."The nurse smiles.I smile.

"Will you cut the cord?"the nurse asks me.I nod and they hand me something to cut the cord with.I cut it.The lady wipes Niall,and hands him to us.Dani is out of breath and is sweaty.

"We're going to keep him here for 2 weeks since he has been born earliar,and probably got hurt from the stress."the lady says.Dani and I nod.I hand Niall to Dani.

"I'll give you 2 ten minutes and i'll come back with the certficate for him."the nurse says walking out.

"He has your lips Liam."Dani smiles.

"He has your nose."I say.

"and your beautiful eyes."I add.Dani stops smiling.

"Kate where is she?"Dani panics.

"She has hypothermia, Harry got beated up."I state.

"Will she survive?"Dani asks.

"We'll talk about this later,the lady should-"I get cut off by the nurse walking in she was holding a piece paper.

"Ima need you to sign your names and write down his name."The lady smiles.We sign it and give it back to the lady.

"Kate."Dani says.

" They said becuase of her age..its possible for her to..."I couldnt finish up my sentance.Dani was shaking her head saying no.I hear the door open and look up and see Zayn.

"Liam,the doctors wanna talk about Kate.."Zayn says akwardly.

I nod and kiss Dani's head,I follow Zayn out the room.

"Congragulations."Zayn smiles.

"Thanks."I say.

"Mr.Payne,father of Kate?"The doctor asks not taking his eyes off papers.

"Yeah,is she fine?"I ask.

"We've moved her to a heated room,she is responding well to it.I am glad to say that she will recover in a week or so."The doctor looks at me smiling.I do a mental happy dance.

"Thank you doctor."I say.

"Your friend here will lead you to her room."The doctor walks off.Zayn leads me to a room that is hot,probably 89 degrees.Kate is on a bed sleeping,everything is silent except the beeping from the monitor.

"Harry?What about him?"I ask not looking away from Kate.Zayn leads me into a different room,I see Harry,Louis,and Niall talking.

"Lad,I'm sorry I told the guy I didnt want to fight and I tried-"I cut Harry off.

"Lad,It's fine.She's doing fine.Niall was born a few minutes ago."I smile.Harry smiles back and nods.

**3 weeks later*

"Daddy, tell Niall to be quiet.I'm trying to watch t.v."Kate demands.

"Maybe he'll be quiet if you feed him."I say handing her the bottle.Kate nods,I sit down next to her and carefully give Niall to her.Dani is in the excersise room,doing yoga.I snap a quick picture of Niall and Kate.

"Why is he so small?"Kate asks,he was small.He was only the size of my hand.

"Since he was born early, he's very small and fragile."I say.All of a sudden the lads burst in. Kate hands me Niall and runs to the boys.

"Hi uncle Harry,Zayn,Niall,and Louis!"Kate hugs them all.

"Hey Kate!"They all say.I walk over to them.

"He's so small."Harry remarks.Dani and I agreed that he would be the God Father since he was great with Kate.

"Yup, and he drinks A LOT of milk. I think we gave him the right name."I state.

"Hey boys!"I turn around and see Dani in her Yoga outfit.

"Hey Dani!"The boys wave.

"Liam, I'm going to a 5 hour Photo-Shoot,Kate's coming along."Dani says.

"Okay."I say. Dani takes Niall from me and kisses his forehead.

"Ima take the kids to the room,catch up on Guy time." Dani remarks grabbing Kate's hand and walking off.


"Alright, babe we're leaving, bye."Dani says pecking my lips. 

"Okay, bye. Love you."I say,I kiss Kate's forehead and they walk off.

"There's a football game with the packers?"Harry smiles.Baby Niall farts and starts crying.Think he just pooped. 

"I'll be right back"I say,they nod. I go into the nursery and place Baby Niall on the changing table. I change Niall's diaper carefully since he has sensitve becuase he was born early. 

"Im glad they saved you."I smile kissing his nose. Niall smiles ,it looks like he understood. 

"You have daddy's little dimple."I smile. I lift him up and go downstairs. 


Niall was crying like crazy. 

"I think you're tired.."I say going upstairs, I sit on the rocking chair and sing silently to him. 

"Am I asleep, am I awake or somewhere in between?"I sang silently, Niall was looking at me with his big brown eyes. 

"I can't believe that you are here and lying next to me, or did I dream that we were perfectly entwined?"Niall was sucking on his binkie. "Like branches on a tree,or twigs cuaght on a vine?" 

All of a sudden the boys barged in. 

"Like all those days, and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss and all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this. I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl and I am not ashame to tell it to the world."Niall sang. Baby Niall looked over and continued sucking on his binkie. 

When we were half way to through the song Niall fell asleep. 

"Thanks lads.."I whisper not looking away from Niall.I hear the door shut. 

"I won't hurt you,i nfact I wont let anyone hurt you."I smile kissing his soft forehead. I place him in the crib. 

It scares me, he was about to die at birth,like me. If papparazzi never called Harry horrible names, Niall wouldn't have almost died. I'm glad that the doctors managed to save him,I smile and walk out the room.


Adopted By Payzer *Completed but in editing*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang