Adopted By Payzer 22

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"Lad,Pual called,He wants us to head to the studio."Louis states locking his phone. 

"But Dani won't be coming for another 3 hours,and I am certainly not gonna leave Niall here."I state shaking my head. 

"Bring him with,Pual wont mind."Zayn reassures. 

"Okay meet you there in 20."I say, they get up and leave.I change into different clothes and change Niall into a jacket and hat.I swing his bag over my shoulder and start walking out the door. 


"Who's this little cutie?!!"Lou says in a baby voice. 

"This is Niall."I say,Niall had his small fist in his mouth sucking it. 

"Wheres Dani and Kate?"Lou asks. 

"Photoshoot."I say taking a seat on the couch.Pual walks in and the lads take a seat next to me. 

"Alright boys,suprisingly you have a concert tonight and we need to practice okay?"Pual says,he wasn't asking.He was demanding. 

"Why so late?"Harry asks. 

"Manegment wants to catch up since Liam became a father."Pual says,we nod. 

"Alright go practice."Pual demands. 

"Lou can you watch Niall for me?"I ask, Lou nods. 

"Just be careful, he's sensitive."I say. 


I'm exhuasted, Dani doesn't know about the concert. We're about to perform in half an hour, I guess I'll nap. 

**Lou Tisdale's pov** 

I walk into the room where the lads are resting,I see Liam on a couch sleeping. 

"Hey Lou, wutcha need?"Harry asks. 

"Can you take Niall from me,I gotta go home."I ask,Harry nods and takes sleeping Niall from me. 

**Harry's pov** 

Lou leaves,I was the only one awake.I look down at Niall,he has his binkie in his mouth. 

"Are you going to follow into your Daddy's footsteps and be sing?"I ask,even though Niall was asleep.I leaned back on the wall,my eyes grew heavy. 


"Wake up lad."Louis woke me up,he has Niall in his hands. 

"Time to perform."Niall Steached and yawned. 

"Pual agreed to watch Niall while we perfroming."Louis tells Liam before he asks.Liam nods. 

"BOYS COME ON!"Our maneger shouts.Louis hands Niall to Pual and we quickly change,we jump onstage.The girls start cheering and screaming. 

"Said I'd never leave her cuase her hands f-fit like m-my tee-s-hirt.."Liam sang,he stuttered. 

"Tongue t-tied over t-three words,cos,running o-over thoughts that m-made my feet h-hurt.Bodies intertwine w-with her li-"Liam stopped he was sweaty and was placing his hands over his mouth.He looked pale.Niall sang his part.Zayn took Liam off stage. 

**Zayn's pov** 

I took Liam off stage, he grabbed a trash can and threw up. 

"Lad,you okay?"I ask patting his back. 

"Can you sing?"I ask again.Liam shakes his head and continues throwing up. 

"B-but i can lip sync."Liam wipes his  

Adopted By Payzer *Completed but in editing*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora