Adopted by Payzer 25

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**Liam's pov***a week later* 

I'm feeding Kate soup,her eyes have rings under it from lack of sleep.Her nose is stuffy. 

"All done,Daddy."Kate says as she pushes away the half bowl of soup,I place it on her nightstand. 

"Will you lay with me,daddy?"Kate asks using her puppy eyes.Her bed is too small,I scoop her up and take her to our room.I lay her on my side of the bed and lay beside her,Kate snuggles up close to me.She was shivering,I hug her hoping my body warmth would help her. 

"I love you."I say kissing her forehead making her smile. 

"I-I love you,too Daddy."Kate weakly smiles. 

"Go to sleep princess."I say pulling the covers up.Kate nods and closes her eyes. 

**Louis's pov** 

Dani and I watch secretly as Liam and Kate slowly drift into sleep. 

"He really loves her."I whisper,Dani nods.Harry and Niall were looking after Lucas downstairs.Dani closes the door quietly and smiles. 

"I love seeing them like this.."Dani grins,I go downstairs and Dani follows. 

"Angry face...,"Niall says,"Happy face...,"Harry says,"Sad face..,"Niall says,"Daddy face.."Harry says.Dani and I go near them and see Harry and Niall changing Lucas's face expressions. 

"Suprise face!"Niall says moving Lucas's eyebrows while Harry moves Lucas's mouth making him looking suprised.Dani and burst into luaghter.You might be wondering where Zayn is.Well Perrie and him are practicing for the wedding and setting it up. 

**Dani's pov** 

I take Lucas from Niall and Harry,possibly rescuing him.Lucas places his small chubby fist in his mouth covering it with saliva,his big brown eyes looking at us all. 

"Well Ima go give him milk."I say going inside the kitchen,I place Lucas in his baby chair and start making baby milk.Lucas plays with his tongue,sticking it out and pulling it making him cry. 

"Alright,no more tongue fighting."I chuckle picking him up and giving him milk. 


Liam and I have been talking about this for awhile,maybe when Lucas got out of the hospital.We're talking about how people should know about Lucas.Liam and the boys were talking about thier next concert in March. 

"Liam,Can I speak to you in private?"I ask. 

"Sure."Liam says getting up and walking towards me. 

"You know how we've been talking about Lucas and stuff?"I ask in a hushed voice.Liam nods. 

"Maybe it's time?"I say but waiting for Liam's approval. 

"Sure,I mean people are going to find out anyways."Lian shrugs. 

"Okay,good."I smile. 

"Maybe we all could go for dinner,ya know.Like AppleBee's or something?"Liam suggusts. 

"Sure,what time?"I ask.Liam looks at his watch. 

"Well it's 1:28,how about at 3 o'clock?"Liam asks. 

"Yup."I say. Enough time to get Kate and Lucas ready. 


I slip Kate in casual clothing,I put her in "Daddy's princess"purple shirt with purple leggings and her black little converse.I leave her hair loose with a purple headband on it. 

"Alright go to daddy,he's going to give you medicine."I say.Kate nods.Lucas's turn.I put him in a batman shirt with jeans and batman shoes.I put a cute/funny bib on him saying,"These fools have my cape on backwards."I put him in a black jacket and go downstairs.Im wearing a plain tee with denim skinny jeans and brown knee-high boots.I put on a cute brown trench coat and have my hair straight. 


The car was so crowded,I sat on Liam's lap,Niall had to sit on Zayn's lap and Louis laughing at us from the drivers seat.We finally arrived at our destination,AppleBee's!!I put a blanket over Lucas's thing to block the flashing,Liam takes Lucas and I grip onto Kate's waist.We make our way in and sit down. 

"Hadn't been out like this in awhile."Niall says scanning the menue. 

"Agreed."We all say.We order our food and eat.A few girls came by us and were grinning big. 

"Hi love."Harry says flashing a grin. 

"H-hi,can we take a picture with you..I mean you dont have to,I totally get it.Its just that your all my idols.."The girl says really fast. 

"Sure."Louis says wiping his hands on his napkin.The girls hold in a squeel and take out thier cameras and phones.A girl maybe 10 years old comes up to me. 

"C-can I get a p-picture with y-you?"The girl stammers pushing up her glasses. 

"Sure."I say bending down to her height,she pulls out a camera and snaps a few pics. 

"Omg is that Kate?"The girl squeels. 

"Yeah,that's Kate."I smile. 

"Can I take a pic?"the girl asks flashing a smile.I nod,The girl takes a pic with Kate. 

"My names Nayali."the girl says twiddling with her red hair thats in a braid. 

"Hi Nayali."I say. 

"Who's that?"Nayali asks pointing to Lucas,who is as always sucking on his fist. 

"Oh that's my son."I say confediently.Nayali gasps and smiles. 

"Did you adopt him, he's so cute!!!"Nayali exclaims. 

"Actually,we didn't."I say,Kate walks over to Lucas and sits next to him. 

"Congrag-"Nayali gets cut off by one of the girls pulling her away. 

"Bye,it was nice meeting you!"Nayali waves goodbye and pushes the girls grip off her. 


Liam and I have already posted pictures of Lucas on Twitter,good news is a lot of people like him,bad news is a few people are threating Lucas and I. 

**Liam's pov** 

I sing quietly to Lucas,his eyes slowly dropping.I sing the last line to the song and Lucas falls asleep. 

"Now that your sleeping..I have a suprise for Mommy,Kate,and you!"I exclaim putting him in the crib.

**End of 25**

Adopted By Payzer *Completed but in editing*Where stories live. Discover now