Adopted by Payzer 14

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I lift Kate up and take her to the kitchen. 

"Yogurt, pizza?"I ask. 

"Pizza!!"Kate says hoping on her booster. I nod and take a small slice of pizza and put it on Kate's princess plate. I hand it to her and she immediately starts eating. 

"Slow down, stomach going to hurt later. "I say. She slows down. She finishes her pizza and hops off her seat. I wipe her mouth. She runs off like always. I put her plate in the sink and walk in the living room. laying on her belly with a colouring book and box of crayons in front of her. Harry's laying down next to her also. Kate looking up at the t.v. with her mouth open. 

"You're going to catch a fly silly willy."Harry chuckles, Kate giggles and continues to colour. Harry picks up a crayon and colours along with her. 

"I love you uncle Harry."Kate says kissing Harry's cheek. 

"I love you too Kate."Harry says kissing her forehead. I silently go upstairs and go in my room. 

**Harry's pov** 

"Wanna go somewhere fun?"I ask putting away the colouring book and crayon box. 

"Yeah!"Kate squeals. I grab a piece of paper and write on it saying where going to the mall. 

"Let's change you first."I say grabbing her hands. I put on her sleeveless dress that is orange and sparkles. I put her hair in ponytail. I go outside and put her in the carseat, I drive to the mall. I take Kate out and go in the air conditioned mall. 

"Which store do you want to go to?"I ask placing her on my hip. 

"That store!"Kate says pointing to children's store.I  nod and go in there.I set her down and hold her hand.She leads me to books and clothes. 

"£63.99"the lady says. I pay for the stuff and go to a whole lot of other stores. 

"Alright,I think it's time to go home."I say lifting her up.Paparazzi.I rush out and place Kate in her carseat.I lock her door and jog to the other side.I place all of the bags next to her and lock that door. 

"Now where,are you hungry?"I ask audjusting the seat belt 

"Yeah,can we eat at..McDonalds!"Kate says her arms flying up.I nod and start the engine.I go in the drive-thru. 


I hear Kate munching on her Apple slices and playing with her toys.Kate finishes her food as we pull into the driveway, I take her out of the car seat grab the bags.I unlock the door and Kate rushes in.I close the door and set the bags down,I see the boys and Dani watching t.v. 

"Harry Styles, and Liam Payne have been seen carrying the same child we shot a few months ago,a few recent ones at the Mall."The lady says.Pics of me and Kate,and Liam and Kate. 

"I'm on t.v. look daddy!!"Kate squeals jumping off his lap and running to the t.v. 

"And you,and uncle Harry!"Kate says grinning big . 

Kate honey go upstairs,please "Liam says with a tint of anger.She nods and skips upstairs happily. 

"Were screwed."Liam says balling up his fist. 

"People find out she's your daughter,management is going to separate you,Kate and Dani."Louis adds. 

"Arghh!!"Liam shouts getting up and going upstairs,after a few minutes we here a big thump. 

**Liam's pov** 

I sit on my bed for awhile until I let the anger out of me.I punch the closet door leaving it with a big thump and a massive hole.The door creaks open and I look up. 

Adopted By Payzer *Completed but in editing*Where stories live. Discover now