Adopted by Payzer 17

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"You're what?"I ask gulping. 

"I'm pregnant."Dani says grinning. I can't handle another kid, what if I hurt our child just like what I did with Kate. 

"I.."I stutter trying to make out a word. 

"Why aren't you happy?"Dani asks, her grin fading away. 

"I am it's just that-" 

"Daddy what's wrong?!"Kate asks hugging my leg. 

"Nothing princess."I say, lifting her up. 

"We'll talk about this later.."I whisper to Dani. She nods and sighs. I walk outside and see Harry and Louis on the Barbie car. 

"Make way!"Louis says, Kate giggles. The party ended at 8:43. Kate got tired leaving Dani, Louis ,Harry ,Niall, Zayn,and I near a bonfire. 

"Dani why aren't you drinking beer?"Harry asks. 

"You see.."Dani says,she looks at me and I nod. 

"I can't drink because I'm..pregnant."Dani announces. 

"What?"We whip around and see Kate standing there. 

"Oh um.."Dani says. 

"No ,no, no, no, no, no, NO!"Kate stomps her feet. 

"Hon-"I start off. 

"No, I don't want a baby brother or sister!!"Kate shouts angrily. 

"But princess-"I say again. 

"NO!"Kate shouts, tears running her cheeks. She runs inside slamming the door. 

"I'll go talk to her."I say getting up and going inside. I know where Kate always hides when she's sad, angry, or playing hide-n-seek. Under the stairs. I hunch over and crawl under the stairs. 

"Princess are you in here?"I ask. 

"Go away!"Kate whimpers. 

"Why are you angry about your baby sibling?"I ask. 

"Because everyone will pay more attention to the baby and forget about me!"Kate pouts. 

"No, that's not true."I say putting a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"Yeah it is, everyone's going to forget about me and go to that dumb stinky baby."Kate scrunches her nose when she says "stinky baby". 

"But then you'll love the baby right, you'll forgive the baby."I remark. 

"Never."Kate says crossing her arms. 

"Yeah you will, I know it."I say smiling. 

**1 month later** 

Dani's stomach has gotten a tad bigger, today she is going to the ultra sound for the baby. 

**Dani's pov** 

I enter the hospital and ask for an ultra sound, Liam is taking Kate to the studio showing her around. 

"Take a seat and I'll put some jelly on your stomach."the lady says, I obey and sit down. She puts jelly on my stomach and tells me to look at the computer screen, I look and see the small baby. 

"Aww, so cute!"the nurse says running a thing over my cold jelly covered stomach. 

"Well it's a..boy!"The nurse says, she prints out the picture and hands it me. 

"Thank you so much!"I say I get off the thing and pay the bill. 

I go to the studio to surprise Liam. 

"Hey babe!"I say. 

"Hey!"Liam says hugging me. I hug back and show him the picture of our son. Liam smiles. 

"So what should his name be?"Liam asks kissing my nose. 

"Probably..hmm.."I say. 

"We should make a list when we get back home."Liam says grinning. 

"We'll leave right now, I'll get Kate."Liam adds. 

"Where is she anyway?"I ask. 

"Listening to the boys record our song, 'Midnight Memories'."Liam cheekily smiles. 

"Mommy!"Kate smiles running over to me. 

"You have a baby brother!"I announce. Kate wipes away a smile. 

"I hate him."Kate says. 

"Well honey if you're nice to him when he gets older, he'll be nice back."I say. Liam picks up Kate. 

"If we get you ice cream will you like him?"Liam asks. 

"Maybe."Kate says. 

"Well I'm going to tell the boys that I'm leaving, wanna come with?"Liam asks, I nod. We might as well tell them about our son. 

"Hey Dani!"Louis says hugging me. 

"Hey Dani!"Zayn,Niall,and Harry says. 

"Hey boys!"I say waving. 

"Well do you know what gender it is?"Harry asks smiling. 

"It's a boy!"I announce rubbing my stomach. 

"What are you going to name him?"Zayn asks. 

"Not sure yet."Liam says. 

"Name him Niall!"Niall says grinning. 

"Well maybe you guys could help us with the list."I shrug my shoulders, they nod. 

"Well were going out for ice cream,wanna come with?"Liam asks. 

"Anything for ice cream!"Niall nods. 


"Okay how about..Luke?"I ask writing it down. 

"or Harrison."Liam says writing it down. 

"or Daniel"Zayn writes down. 

"Niall."Niall writes down. 

"Or Chris."Louis writes down rolling his eyes at Niall's name. 

"What about Cole?"Harry writes down. 

"What about Jacob?"Perrie asks.She wouldn't want to miss this, neither would Eleanor. 

"Dylan?"Eleanor writes down. 

"Lucas."I write down. 

"Edward!"Liam writes down. 

"Austin."Zayn writes. 

"Niall."Niall writes down again, Louis pinches Niall. 

"Ow!"Niall rubs his arm from the spot Louis pinched him. 

"William."Louis smirks after pinching Niall. 

"Andy."Harry writes. 

"Nick."Perrie writes smiling. 

"Mason."Eleanor writes down. 

"Okay so we have, Luke,Harrison, Daniel,Niall, Chris, Cole,Jacob, Dylan, Lucas, Edward,Austin, Niall,William, Andy, Nick,and Mason."I read the names. 

"We should draw from the hat."Harry says taking off his hat. 

"And I'll cut up the names."Zayn says grabbing scissors. He cuts the names up and puts them in the hat. 

"Dani will you do the honor?"Harry asks shaking the hat mixing the names, I nod. I take a piece of paper and read it. 

"Niall!"I announce. Niall jumps up grinning. 

"But I also want our son to have a middle name, too."I say. 

"Liam?"Harry asks shaking the hat again. Liam takes a piece of paper and reads it. 

"Lucas!"Liam says grinning. 

"Niall Lucas Payne."Liam says nodding. 

"Beautiful."Liam whispers.


Adopted By Payzer *Completed but in editing*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя