Adopted By Payzer 28

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I dropped my phone,the boys looked at me confused.

"Dani?"Liam asks as he picks up my phone.

"What's wrong?"Niall asks.

"I have to go to New York.."I whisper.

"What, no!"Liam says.

"Stay here,you can't leave!What if I have to go to tour??"Liam asks.

"Liam I-"I start off.

"No!"Liam says,as he roughly grabs my shoulders.

"Liam I have no choice."I say squirming a little hoping he would let go.

"But the kids.."Liam pouts.

"Skype."I say.

"How long are you going to be gone?"Liam asks,his eyes filled with sorrow.I shrug my shoulders.Liam shakes his head.

"Guess I better start packing."I say feeling a lump in my throat.My phone beeps.

"Pick you up at 6!"I read.

"Im leaving at six."I tell Liam.

"It's 2 o' clock right now,can we spend the day together?"Liam asks.I nod.

"Let me just pack."I say.


"Mommy is going to be gone for awhile.."I tell Kate,he smile wipes off.

"Why,where you going?"Kate asks.

"Mommy has to go to New York."I say pulling her into a hug.

"How long?"Kate asks.

"Im not sure,but I'll be back in jiffy."I say kissing her cheek.

"I don't want you to go.."Kate whimpers.

"Im sorry baby,but thats why today we'll be spending a lot of time right now."I say stroking her hair,Kate nods.

"Ready?!"Liam calls out.

"Yeah!!"I say grabbing Kate's small hand and leading her out the room and into the hallway.

"Where we going mommy?"Kate asks as we go down the stairs.

"The park."I say.


Zayn was pushing Kate on the swing while Liam,Lucas and I sit on the freshly mowed grass talking.Louis,Harry and Niall were playing football(soccer).

"I'm really gonna miss you."Liam says not taking his eyes off Lucas.

"So am I,It won't be long.Soon I'll be back."I state.Liam nods.

"I love you."Liam says pecking my lips.

"I love you,too."I say pecking his lips back.Kate comes running to us her curly hair bouncing behind her.

"Mommy,can we put Lucas in that swing?"Kate points to one of the baby swings.

"Sure."I say taking Lucas from Liam and carefully standing up and following Kate to the swing set.I put Lucas in the swing.

"Watch them for me,please?"I ask Zayn.

"Sure."Zayn says softly pushing Lucas and Kate.

"Thank you!"I say walking back to Liam.

"Wanna play football?"I ask,Liam nods.We go into the field and the lads kick the ball over to us.

"You sure you can play in skinny jeans?"Harry asks.

"If you can,I can!"I chuckle.

**4 hours later**

"Mommy please don't go,stay!"Kate weaps tugging on my hands.

"Im sorry baby,member' i'll be back in a jiffy!"I remark holding back tears.

"Mommy, no stay!"Kate cries,I hug her tightly.

"Bye baby boy,I love you."I say kissing Lucas's cheek.

"New York plane leaving in 15 minutes!"the annoucements say.

"Bye Liam,I love you.Please take care of them."I say kissing Liam's lips

"Bye Dani,promise you'll call when you get there,and dont forget to Skype."Liam says kissing back.I nod and pull the boys and Kate into a group hug.

"Bye boys love you!"I say smiling.

"New York plane is leaving in 5 minutes!!"the flight attendents announce.

"Alright guess this good bye,for now."I say.

"Bye Dani!"the boys say all together waving.

"Bye guys,love you all."I say stepping into the plane.

**Liam's pov**

Kate was sobbing.

"Shh,shh it's okay princess.She'll be back,okay?"I say hugging her.Niall lifts her up and places her on top of his shoulders.We watch through the window as the plane leaves.

"You gonna be okay lad?"Louis asks patting my back.I nod.

"Yeah let's just go home,gotta check up on Loki."I say walking away cradling Lucas.

"What if we go to a club tonight?"Harry asks.

"What about the kids?"I say opening the airport exit doors.

"Perrie can babysit,she loves them."Zayn exclaims.

"So does El."Louis adds.

"I guess.."I say walking into the parking lot.

"Yipee!!"Niall says.

"What's a club,daddy?"Kate asks.

"Nothing you need to know about sweetheart."I say opening the car and placing Lucas in his seat,Niall hands me Kate and I put her in the car seat.

** Night**

"El and PeriPeri are here!"Niall announces.I put on my shoes.

"Kate listen to Aunt PeriPeri and Aunt El,okay?"I say kissing Kate's cheek.

"Okay daddy."Kate says nodding.

"Good,love you."I say,Kate kisses my nose making me chuckle.

"Okay,goodnight,sleeptight,see you in the morning!"I say going downstairs.

"Thanks Perrie and Eleanor."I say following the boys into the car.

"Your welcome,have a good time.Don't cheat!"El jokes.


"Hey Liam!"a girl slurred.

"Sophia!"I say.

"Where's your girl?"Sophia hicupped.

"She's in *hic* New York*hic*"I say gripping onto my beer.

"So would you mind if I.."Sophia says kissing me,I kiss back.

**Harry's pov**

I see a girl sitting alone,maybe she would like to dance.I walk over.

"Hi I couldn't help but notice you sitting alone,would you like to dance?"I ask.

"S-sure.."she stammers getting up.

"What's your name love?"I ask leading her to the dancefloor.

"Shanley."she smiles.

"Beautiful,so live around here or visting?"I ask.

"Live here."Shanley says starting to dance,I do the same.

"Cool."I say.In the corner of my eye I see tipsy Liam grinding on a girl who is wearing his black hat.Seriously Liam??!!Been here for 4 hours and already grinding on a girl.

"Err..I gotta go,give me your digit?"I ask.

"Sure pass me your phone and I'll give you mine."Shanley grins taking out her phone,I take out my phone and swap.I type in my number and she types in hers.

"See ya later!"I say and scurry off to Liam

**End of 28**Aw snap!! :O

Adopted By Payzer *Completed but in editing*Where stories live. Discover now