Chapter 10

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Seth POV~

~time skip~

I stand in the middle of the Cafeteria thinking that Garrett wouldn't find me, I didn't wanna face him I was scared that id break down. Yes I'm the clingy type, once I like something I have a hard time letting it go and knowing that Garrett was just gonna up and leave at the end of the year was heart breaking for me.

"Hey Seth!" I hear Garrett say from behind me and I freeze and turn around. "I have a new surprise!" There was a tall, thin blond boy standing next to Garrett. He was cute, it sent a shiver down my spine, this wasn't good "This is Emmitt." The blond boy was looking around nervously.

"Hello..." I say quietly looking down.

"Hes my brother!" Garrett says happily and my eyes widen. I look at the boy again and see that he look similar to Garrett.

"Yeah." Emmitt says quietly staring at his shoes. He was as shy as I was. I smile slightly watching him.

"I Hope you two become bestest friends." Garrett says smiling brightly. He was acting weird.

"Did you just get here or something?" I ask then freeze, it sounded a lot ruder then I had meant and I hadn't even meant to ask that. Garrett looks at me.

"No there wasn't enough room at my foster American families house so we live down the street from each other but he was to scared to come to school yesterday." Emmitt glares at Garrett and I smile.

"I was SICK." Emmitt insists while me and Garrett laughs. I felt way more relaxed around them then I was used to being, I liked it.

"Sure sure." Garrett laughs and the bell rings causing me and Emmitt to jump.

"Oh dear." We both mumble then look at each other wide eyed. His bright blue eyes slightly darker then Garretts giving them more of a gray blue tone. I start to say something but my mouth feels dry so I point and walk toward the hallway.

"Seth wait up!" Garrett says his goodbyes to his brother and comes running toward me. I watch Emmitt walk down the hallway toward the art room and smile.

"What you smiling at?" Garrett says looking back toward the cafeteria.

"Nothing," I say quickly turning red slightly, "Lets just go to class." I turn and start making my way toward Mr. Mcgees class.

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