Planet Niribu

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I exhaled the deep breath that I was holding in for a moment. I have finally arrived in Planet Niribu.

"We have to hurry and talk to Kennedy and Autumn. We don't have time until the technicians come to find us," James rushed as he unbuckled my seatbelt and his.

James's took his hand in mine and we made our way out of the seating room. I couldn't resist but marveled how well our hands fitted together like two pieces in a puzzle. I shook the thought out of my head as we both approached an unfamiliar door. James let go of my hand and dug in his pockets until he got his keys.

A pang bolted against my chest as I realized those were the same keys from the laboratories. The ones that trapped Finn in that glass box, the ones that kept me inside a room terrified at what I could do.

"Those keys open a lot, huh?" I questioned with a hint of annoyance.

James tossed me a confused look until he realized what I meant.

"These aren't the same ones. Now, hurry up in there or we will both be dead."

James unlocked the door and I reached out to open it. When I stepped inside I witnessed Kennedy and Autumn sitting on the pale blue bed. I closed the door behind me and froze to the spot. What exactly was I supposed to say?

"Did... we land?" Autumn asked shyly.

A strand of orange hair flew into her eyes and she tucked it behind her ear. She still appeared fragile like I could break her with one touch, her sister though was the opposite. Kennedy was a strong sturdy wall that was determined not to fall. Kennedy only scrutinized me as her eyes traveled up and down.

"Yes... I came to talk to you about this whole situation."

"What? You're in James's plan?" Kennedy snapped instantly at me.

"No, but he called Christopher. James was framed and that's it. He's really sorry for locking you guys in a room but he panicked," I explained calmly.

Kennedy's nose scrunched up.

"James is apologizing? Highly unlikely until I see it for myself," Kennedy with disbelief.

"Don't you trust me?" I pressed trying to get to Kennedy.

"I believe you Sapphire but,why would someone frame James," Autumn spoke up quietly.

This was the hard part and I grimaced.

"It was my best friend Finn, he was just trying to get me back on Earth. He made up this all story because he was... desperate to get me back," I replied feeling uncomfortable.

Kennedy squinted at me.

"Christopher knows all this?" She inquired.

I nodded my head sternly.

"So, that means we can leave now?" Kennedy requested.

"Yes but, under one condition," I responded.

Kennedy crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently.

"I'm listening."

"This kind of stuff is serious business and you can't go around telling people about it." I paused then continued, "I trust you and I hope I can have your word that this is between only us."

Kennedy thought about this for a few moments until she held her hand out.

"You have my word that I will not speak about this with anyone else."

I shook Kennedy's hand and then found out she had a strong hold. I held back a wince as I brought my hand to my side. I glanced at Autumn and noticed she was smiling a bit.

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