Marauders Imagine

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I decided to add the marauders in cause why the hell not and I had this idea and I thought it was hella cute!

You sat in the common room at 3 o clock suffering from your insomnia. You watched the fire and started to doze off. Until four boys loudly wandered into the common room.
"Oh shit!" You hear and turn quickly falling off the sofa.
"Ouch!" You murmur and the lads walk over.
"Oh it's y/n!" Sirius says and he holds out a hand. You take it and see James and Peter holding Remus up.
"What happened?" You ask seeing the cuts and bruises on all four.
"Prank gone wrong!" Sirius says. You nod.
"Lay him down!" You say and they all nod. You use your muggle techniques to help him. Stitches and ice packs.

The sun comes up and you yawn and sit up. You fell asleep on Sirius with James on you.
"Guys!" You yawn and they all sit up.
"We gotta cover for Remus!" Sirius says and you nod.
"Say he couldn't sleep last night and he was too tired!" You suggest and they nod. You change into your uniform and sit at the breakfast table.
"Anyway! Y/l/n! What were you doing up at 3 in the morning?" Sirius asks making you shrug.
"Always am!" You smile slightly and take a bite of toast.
"Bloody hell don't you sleep?" James asks and you smile.
"I do... Just not alot!" You explain and Peter takes another slice of toast. You finish yours and smile.
"So what's the truth?" You ask and they all look at you.
"I've noticed... Remus is always ill once a month. You're all exhausted after a night..." You trail off and look at them all.
"Thanks for your help!" Sirius says and James grabs Peter.
"Time to go!" James says and you sit there annoyed.

Another month passes and you spend your nights the same way. Curled up watching the fire as every thought runs through your head in an endless cycle. You just can't fall asleep. You started dozing off and soon the portrait door opened. You turned quickly and drew your wand in defence.
"It's you again!" Peter says and Sirius sighs.
"Yes it's me again! Lay him down!" You say upon seeing Remus body. He's conscious this time.
"What prank was it this time then?" You ask him and he shakes his head as you conjure an ice pack for his ribs.
"Not prank... Werewolf!" He murmurs and all the others look shocked. You look out the window and see the full moon and put two and two together.
"Well you should of just said! I'd of happily helped you!" You say with a small smile as you start stitching up the deep ones. Remus falls into unconsciousness and you throw a fleece over him.
"You should go to bed..." James says and you shrug.
"Why? So I can toss and turn until the sun comes up?" You ask and he raises an eyebrow.
"Why don't you sleep?" Sirius asks and you smile.
"I suffer badly from insomnia. I don't sleep well until my body becomes exhausted and I just have too... But most nights I get a few hours and I can survive on that!" You explain and Peter whispers something to Sirius who whispers it to James. He nods with a smile.
"Since we know we can trust you... Why don't we show you the rest of the secret?" James says and you nod and sit on the arm of the sofa. Here you see Peter turn into a rat and James into a beautiful stag. And Sirius chasing his own tail as big fluffy black dog.
"I think you should stay that way you're far cuter!" You smile and they turn back.
"Maybe we could make her the fifth marauder?" Remus mumbles and you see him sat up and awake.
"Yeah... NightOwl!" Sirius says and you raise an eyebrow.
"Are you suggesting we become friends?" You ask and they all shake their heads.
"No we are suggesting you become our best friends!" Sirius smiles and you shrug.
"Why not?" You ask and Sirius throws his arm over your shoulder.
"Welcome to our world of detentions and pranks! Of-" He starts before he gets cut off.
"Shut up drama queen!" Remus says throwing a pillow at him.
"Well you're all tired to go to bed and I'll watch him!" You say and they all nod. They walk up to bed and Remus looks at you.
"Not bothered by the werewolf thing then?" He asks and you shake your head.
"Not a bit!" You smile and he lies his head down with a smile.

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