He gets hurt

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Harry: You loved Harry more than anything. And after he was injured in the tournament the first thing you did was run and grab him. Your thoughts were filled only of his wellbeing and how he was. You managed to pry him off of Cedric and pull him close as he cried into your shoulder.
"Shh Harry!" You whispered and he gripped your waist tightly and kept you close. Terrified of losing you as well.
"I got you! I got you!" You whisper and he collapses in his tears. You kneel and he intertwines your fingers. And delivers the most shocking news to date.
"He's back!" He cries and in that moment you hug him tighter than ever and try to make him feel the love you feel for him. And try to tell him you're not going anywhere and will stand by him until the end!

Draco: You saw him crying in the common room at 3am and walked over to him. He was hurting bad at what he had to do. He didn't want to do this.
"Hey!" You coo and he looks up and shakes his head. You let him take you in his arms and wrap yours around his shoulders tightly. His arms snake around your waist keeping you close as his hit tears rolled down your shoulder. Your hand ran through his hair and you sighed.
"Draco baby you don't have to do this for them!" You sigh your own mark on full display.
"I do! They'll kill you to get me y/n and I couldn't ever face not seeing your beautiful e/c eyes everyday or feeling your tiny hands in mine!" He sighs and you lift his head and press a kiss to his lips.
"I love you Draco and I got you!" You whisper before he breaks down again.

Fred: You saw Fred walk out of Umbridges office with George both with glassy eyes.
"Hey?" You ask and George carries on walking while Fred turns and grabs your hands. He takes you to the room of requirement and let's his years out showing you yet another cut on his hand from the fluffy pink bitch.
"I swear to Godric!" You curse while pulling out your wand.
"Episkey!" You whisper the basic healing spell and help it disappear. Your take his face in our hands and stroke his cheek bones keeping his hair away from his face.
"You're worth more than that Freddie! Don't let her get you down!" You whisper and let him lean his head on your shoulder. You stroke his hair and eventually his head is on your lap. Soft snores erupt from him and you smile falling asleep yourself.

George: You waited impatiently at the burrow and as George appeared with bloody pouring from his head. Remus pushes you aside to work on him and it's all you can do not to break down on him. They lay George on the sofa and you kneel in front of him with Fred. He starts stirring and you let Fred jump right in.
"How do you feel?" He asks as you take his hand and he smirks.
"Saintly!" He answers causing a look of confusion on your face.
"Get it I'm Holey!" He chuckles and you smile and kiss his cheek.
"Honestly out of all the ear related humour in the world and you choose that!" Fred smirks standing and leaving you alone.
"I'm glad your okay you big dope!" You smile and he laughs and nods.
"Stay with me tonight?" He asks and Mrs Weasley nods. You smile and nod both of you falling asleep in no time.

Oliver: You watched in horror as the team carried your boyfriend off of the pitch on a stretcher and made your way to the hospital wing. You weren't bothered by the game anymore and just wanted to see if Olly was okay. You walk in and sit next to his bed.
"Olly?" You asks and he turns to you.
"Who are you?" He asks and you nearly sob before he grabs your hand.
"I'm joking!" He laughs and you smack his arm for making such a joke. But then you grab him tightly and sigh.
"At least you're okay enough to make bad jokes!" You mutter and he laughs and kisses you.
"Honestly I'm hurting all over but seeing you makes me forget it all y/n!" He smiles causing a grin to spread out on your face.
"Go to sleep! Stop making me blush!" You reply and he nods and dozes off holding your hand comfortably next to his face.

I'm so sorry it's so late and it took so long but I'm running dry on ideas and I didn't mean to leave it so long!
Hope you enjoy comment or message me ideas thank you guys for your continued support on this book or story whatever you call it!

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