He helps you through a fear

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Harry: You gripped the bar tightly as the rollercoaster carried on going and Harry could sense your discomfort.
"Hey! You're fine!" He smiles and takes your hand in his.
"Close your eyes and enjoy it!" He laughs at your face screwed up with fear of the drop. The coaster started ripping forward and dropped as a scream rippled from your throat. The speed whipped your hair back and the breeze created goosebumps on your skin. The thrill started coursing through you and having Harry holding your hand tightly made you enjoy the ride instead of being scared. You laughed and Harry smirks watching you. You get off and he kisses you gently.
"Ready for another one?" He asks and you nod and laugh.

Draco: Draco laughed as you ran out of the bathroom with your toothbrush in your mouth and his t shirt on.
"DRACO!" You scream and he raises an eyebrow with a smirk on his face.
"Go get it!" You moan and he laughs and shakes his head.
"Come here!" He mutters taking your hand tightly and dragging you back into the bathroom. He takes the spider sat on the sink gently and laughs as you squirm. He places it in your hand and you nearly cry. The spider stays still and you shake your head.
"Okay okay! Get it off!" You moan and Draco laughs and kissed you as he walks out.
"Next time you can get it!" He laughs and you roll your eyes.

Fred: You didn't like heights and Fred knew this. But he wanted you to feel the thrill of flying.
"No!" You moan as he blindfolds you and takes you across the field. He wraps his arms around your waist and you feel yourself lift into the air. You grip at the hand round your waist as the blindfold comes off. The ground gets further and further away from you as your h/c hair whips in the wind.
"FRED!" You yell and he shakes his head with a laugh.
"Y/n just close your eyes and spread your arms!" He whispers and you shake your head.
"Trust me!" He whispers and you sigh and slowly let your arms up. The feeling of ecstasy ran through you and you gasped and laughed. Fred flew you around the grounds and laughed as you learnt to embrace the butterflies heights gave you. You kiss him gently and smile.
"Thank you!" You whisper and he laughs and kisses you.

George: You knew it was an irrational fear but you couldn't help it. Fish. They scared you. And George took you too a muggle aquarium in Florida to help you. You walked round happily looking at the seals and the Dolphins.
"Now for the real test!" George murmurs and takes your hand as you step into the tunnels. The fish were a fingers touch away and only a panel of glass separated you. George smiled and pointed out one that was staring at you. It swam along as you walked and you smiled as it followed you.
"See y/n fish are not scary!" He laughs and you shrug and nod.
"Alright maybe they aren't as scary as I thought!" You admit and he smiles kissing you softly.

Oliver: To pass DADA this year you had to do a public presentation. You had chosen the unforgivable curses and you had to speak about them to everyone in your class. The fear for you was too much. Oliver had noticed you were stressed and decided to help.
"Just look at me! Keep eye contact with me! And I promise you will do fine!" He smiles kissing your nose gently. You sigh and nod with a smile.

You start your presentation and see Oliver smiling at you encouragingly.
"So the three curses are illegal to use in the wizarding world!" You begin and he nods you along.

You walk out of class and throw yourself at Oliver hugging him tightly.
"Thank you!" You smile as he kisses you.
"You did brilliant!" He smiles stroking your cheek lovingly making your cheeks turn red.

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