He rescues you

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Harry: You were in so much pain but knew if you could hold on long enough Harry would find you. He would hold you heal you and keep you safe. The death eaters had gotten you and tortured you for information. But right now you weren't talking. A death eater grabbed you and dragged you along the floor dropping you in middle.
"You will talk little girl!" He spits and aims his wand at you. As he shoots the spell Harry appears and grabs you.
"Protego!" He spits as Dobby apparates you back out. He pulls you close and rubs your back.
"I'm gonna heal you y/n and you're going to be fine!" He whispers and kisses you gently.
"I promise!" He sighs and you nod and feel safe for the first time in forever in his arms.

Draco: You felt another crucio curse hit you and scream out in pain. You locked your eyes on to Dracos and tried to beg him for help. You didn't want to blow his cover. Another spell hit you and you screamed again.
"Wait!" Draco says making everyone look at him.
"She won't know anything! She doesn't hang with Potter and I think she could be converted!" He says walking over.
"Y/n if we let you go you must work for us do you understand?" Draco asks and you nod as he nods and helps you up and out of the manor.
"I'm sorry baby!" He sighs and you shrug and stay wrapped around him.
"I'm safe now!" You whisper your throat hoarse from the screams.
"I love you! We need to escape" He sighs and you nod and kiss him softly.
"We will!" You sigh feeling safe in his arms.

Fred: You screamed as another crucio hit you and you collapsed to the floor.
"Avada!-" You hear and brace yourself for death. You hear a large thud and see Fred in a physical fight with Bellatrix as he snaps her wand.
"That's my girlfriend you bitch!" He spits and shoves her aside walking over to you.
"Come on we gotta go!" He says and you nod and hobble away with him.
"We can go home!" You whisper and he nods and kisses you as you both fight off the death-eaters.
"Got you babe!" He whispers making you smile as you hurl a hex at the death-eaters

George: You entered yourself into the triwizard tournaments and this year it was teams. You had the Weasley twins and Harry Potter as well as your twin Cedric Diggory. You were flying around trying to grab the golden egg when you felt the dragons breath burning your cape. A scream rips from your throat and you crash into the rocks. The dragon approaches you and you brace yourself for the fire. But you see a ginger shouting and distracting it. You grab the egg and run to George as he wraps his arms around you.
"See I got you princess!" He smiles and presses his lips to your temple.

Oliver: The weather was horrendous in your match. You were looking for the snitch but with no avail through the rain and hail. Wind was blowing hard and fast. You saw a golden glimpse and dived after it. But a bludger smacks into you snapping your broom and causing you to tumble. You brace yourself for the impact of the floor. But instead feel strong arms around you.
"Falling me again are we princess?" Your boyfriend grins at you pulling you onto his broom and taking his place at the goals.
"Hold on tight it's going to be a bumpy ride!" He smirks and you smile and thank the lords for your fabulous boyfriend.

Double update coming up though guys!!

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