Chapter 22 | Fight of our lives

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Myself and Dolph were waiting anxiously at the gorilla position. I continued to stare at the monitor that was showing the ring. It was currently empty and by The Authorities own request, myself and Dolph had to wait until The Shield were out there. I felt my stomach do leaps as it churned full of nerves, I had never been this nervous since I was alone in the ring with The Shield. Unusually, The Authority hadn't announced whether the match would allow interference or not, by this point anything could happen. I continued to ponder in thought as we awaited The Shield's arrival to the ring, I was soon pulled out of my deep thoughts as I felt a hand on my shoulder, I could feel eyes burning down into me. I turned to the side and noticed Dolph, looking down in my direction with a smile on his face.

"There's no need to be nervous Lix, we'll be fine." Dolph spoke, clearly attempting to hide his nerves but I could see through it completely.

"You know, you're not very good at lying Dolph." I sighed, crossing my arms as he began to pout with his lips. I countered by sticking my tongue out in a mocking way which only managed to make Dolph chuckle.






Delta ..


The Shield's theme music began to play as I watched them cockily wander down the steps within the audience on the monitor. They held their heads high, smirks plastering on each of their individual faces. They appeared rather full of themselves, but it's not as if I hadn't witnessed their personalities in person before. They were cocky, arrogent and very self centered. They finally had gotten into the ring after leaping over the barricade and rolling under the bottom rope into the ring. They waited, staring at the top of the ramp, waiting for myself and Dolph.

I rubbed my right arm with the opposite hand as I dreaded our entrances. I had to put on a brave face, I had to win this match for everyone in the locker rooms. The Authorities reign was going to be over, it was going to end tonight whether they liked it or not. Just then, Dolph's music began to play as he slowly headed out from the curtain. We were going to enter separately, Dolph didn't seem to appreciate the idea but went along with it anyway. He was now out there, walking down the ramp into that lion's den of a ring that contained The Shield. Dolph was now in the ring and I watched as all three of them began to walk toward him, causing Dolph to back up into the turnbuckle of our corner.

Don't blink they won't even miss you at all..

And don't think that i'll always be gone..

You know I've got you like a puppet in the palm of my hand, don't you let me down..

My theme music hit. This was it - it was now or never. I stormed through the curtain, stopping in my tracks at the top of the ramp. I was met by deafening cheers which formed a small smile on my lips. I headed down the ramp in my new attire and I could tell that it had already attracted unwanted attention. Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns began to stare at me as I entered the ring, it felt as if their eyes were burning into my very soul. Dolph then stood in front of me, blocking their view. I peeked from around Dolph's left arm, seeing all three of them shake their heads with laughter. Dolph insisted on helping me outside of the ropes for some reason so I just proceeded to go along with it. Dolph would be starting off the match whilst I stood there hoping things wouldn't get too messy.

The bell sounded as Dolph and Seth locked up. Seth quickly gained the upper hand, forcefully attempting to get Dolph into The Shield's corner. Dolph ,managed to reverse the waist lock that Seth now had him in and pushed him aside before scrambling back over to our corner. Once again they locked up, Seth continuing his attempt at getting Dolph in his corner but yet again that plan failed. Seth began to get frustrated, his eyes filling with anger as he ran at Dolph with full speed, trying to take him down with a clothesline. Dolph ducked under and proceeded to hit Seth with a clothesline once bouncing off of the ropes. My eyes flickered between Dolph and The Shield. I became focused on their movements, studying the way Rollins worked around the ring. 

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