1.| Envelope.

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"Where the fuck is this guy?" I mumbled pushing through the crowd of sweaty drunken idiots in the Luna Mesa.

My ringtone barely reached my ears over the banter of the drunks around me.

"Shit!" I cursed as I fumbled through my bag for the device.

"Hello?" I yelled into the phone.

"Mace? Where are you?" My brother screeched in my ear.

"Luna mesa, Jordan" I yelled back.

"Why? With who?" He asked.

Nosey little shit.

"With myself, I'm looking for some guy named Mac to give him an envelope from Grant" I sighed looking around again to see if I could spot the guy from the description my boyfriend had given me.

"What envelope? You give it to him and get out of there, don't talk to him! Understand?" My brother practically screamed.

Well NOW I'm going to talk to him, I hate being told what to do.

"Yeah, yeah" I agreed, my brother, Jordan was an overprotective mess, I was here to move in with him and live closer to his friend, my boyfriend, Grant.

I had been dating Grant for roughly two months, since they visited me at our moms house, and since then we had been long distance, so I decided it would be best if I moved to Cainville to be closer.

He was gorgeous, and funny, but so stupid it hurts. He sent me to this bar with a stupid envelope full of god knows what for a guy I'd never met on my second night in town.

"What does he look like again? Mac, that is." I asked Jordan through the phone as my eyes landed on a man I thought had to be him.

He was dirty, and looked high, his hands were on the bar top, flat down, and he was looking straight at me.

"Uhm, trouble?" Jordan said as if it were obvious.

"Think I got him, lemme call you right back!" I hung up hurriedly before he could protest.

He was attractive in a rugged sort of way. Hardly looked approachable with the menacing scowl and obvious need for dental work, but attractive all the same.

Yup, definitely going to talk to him.

"Hey, uhhhhh, are you Mac?" I said with a shy smile sitting next to him.

"Who wants to know?" He smirked making sure not to show his teeth, too bad I'd already seen them.

"I do" I stated matter of factly.

"Yeah, that's my name, what do you want?" He asked, shifting slightly in his seat to stare at the door.

I followed his gaze to see a pale brunette stumbling drunkenly out of the bar.

"I have something for you" I said, ignoring his grossness and digging through my bag for the envelope.

"Is that right?" He raised an eyebrow, turning his full attention back to me.

Damn straight!

"Relax, I'm sober, chances are zero" I corrected his assumption, handing him the envelope.

"Ehh, Grants girl, then?" He sighed.

Wonder if he feels bad for me because Grants IQ is also Zero.

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