33.|I love you too

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"Calm down Macey" walter told me into the phone.

We had called every hospital in a thousand mile radius looking for Mac and Walter had found him.

He was four towns over in a small hospital on the outskirts.

"Could the give you anything?" I asked intently, wanting any sort of information on his condition.

Walter fell silent, "It doesn't look good" He sighed.

"Wh-what the fuck does that even mean walter?" I demanded.

"They don't know a lot, but" he trailed off, "Judging by his head injuries, they think he may be brain dead" his voice came out shakey, like he had been, or was trying not to cry.

The phone fell from my grasp, and smacked the marble counter with a thud.

I felt my breath start to quicken, my heart thudding in my chest.

"Nooo!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, over and over until I felt my throat go raw.

Jordan rushed into the room, his face pale with worry as I collapsed.

It couldn't end this way, it just couldn't.

I had already forgiven him, and he didn't even know it.

My last words to him were 'Fuck you'.

How do I live with that?

How do I live without him?

I wiped my eyes viciously climbing to my feet.

I grabbed my keys and puse and headed out the door.

I didn't care if I wouldn't make it there until the next morning, I was going.

"What's wrong Macey, where are you going?" Jordan demanded, following me to my car.

"Macs fucking brain dead in a hospital hours away, and I'm going, so go away" I shouted at him through my tears.

I climbed into my car ignoring whatever he was saying, it really wasn't important right now.

I sped down the road toward the town Walter had mentioned, hoping my GPS wouldn't steer me wrong.

When I finally made it there, I saw the sun was starting to peak out on the horizon.

I quickly made my way into the hospital and up to the front desk.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The older woman sitting at the counter asked.

"I'm looking for Mac Rodriguez" I told her.

She looked in her computer, typing and scrolling.

"Room 27E she told me with a smile" I ran through the doors she opened and followed the corridors through to the ICU.

"Here for Mac Rodriguez" I paged through the door.

"Relation?" The voice over the intercom came back.

"Wife" I stated without hesitation. I knew non family would not be allowed in the room.

"Come on back Mrs. Rodriguez" They told me as the doors swung open.

I waled through scanning the doors until I came to Macs.

I braced myself, taking a few deep breaths before I entered.

I knew I probably wouldn't be able to handle what was on the other side of this door and if the beeping monitors inside were any indicator, I wouldn't last a minute.

I cracked the door open slowly, glancing around the dimly lit room.

My eyes finally landed on Mac, he had bandages around his head, his eyes black and blue, were closed.

Tubes ran from his nose and mouth and his chest rose and fell mechanically. Forced by machine.

I felt the familiar salty sting of tears threatening my eyes as I made my way to his bedside hesitantly.

I grabbed a chair, dragging it with me and placing it next to his bed.

"Hey baby" I whispered, sitting down on the chair and reaching out to grab his cold hand.

I placed my hand in his, curling his fingers closed around mine.

I rested my head against the side of his bed and let his heart monitor lull me to sleep, that being the only thing assuring me that he was even alive.

"His wife is already in here, sir" I heard a nurse say as the door swung open, waking me up.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes looking to the open door.

"Thank you" Walter said as he entered the room.

"Macey, how is he?" He asked me, pushing the door closed behind him.

"No change" I told him, thankful that he hasn't busted me out for not being family.

"I see," he whispered walking over to Macs bedside and touching his hand to Macs cheek, "And how are you?"

"I'm okay" I lied. This man was looking at his likely brain dead son, unconscious in a hospital room.

The last thing he needed to worry about was how I felt about it.

"You love him, no? My son?" Walter said suddenly as he recoiled his hand from Macs cheek and averted his eyes to the pile of Macs belongings on the counter at the side of the room.

I nodded, tears blurring my vision.

"Then tell him that" He told me, walking over to where he'd been looking and picking up something.

He held it up for me to see, I focused my eyes on it, the tears slipping uncontrollably when I noticed that what he was holding, was my cross necklace.

I hadn't been able to find it since the canyons.

I grabbed Macs hand once again, pulling it to my face and placing it on my cheek, his touch was still as magical as ever, even unconscious.

"I love you, baby" I sniffled, looking down at his sleeping form.

And through my sobs I could almost swear I felt his fingers move, ever so slightly, in response.

As if to say, 'I love you too'.

An; I am in tears RN, this chapter is so hard 😢😢😢

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