45.| Bringing hell with me

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I downed my drink, silencing the phone in my pocket once more. It was a number I didn't recognize, and this has to be the tenth call all night.

Jordan rested his head on his elbow, slurring as he stared off into the distance about his sister getting married before him.

I called the bartender over, "where's my old man?" I asked her, as she slid another drink toward me.

"He's not back yet from town, I believe he is buying your wedding gift" She gave me a flirty smile. My stomach churned as I curled my lip up at her.

Some girls had no class, not like my Macey, she's bout as classy as they come.

I dismissed the unfamiliar girl and tipped my drink back.

"What is the time?" Jordan shouted out of nowhere.

"Don't you got a phone?" I asked, pulling mine out to see that it was 11:47.

"No I left it home" He shrugged leaning over me to see the time.

"Hell!" He exclaimed, I knew exactly why, Macey and I agreed we would meet back at 11.

"It's fine. She hasn't called" I slurred, checking those missed calls, I scrolled through them, examining closely. "Why the FUCK hasn't she called?" I realized, slamming my fist into the thick wooden bar top.

"Mac!" A voice yelled from the other side of the bar, "Son!" The voice repeated.

I saw my father walking In with a concerned look on his face, a very rare sight.

"What is it, old man?" I asked when I reached him

"Macey, Some rough looking guys came in here looking for her earlier" Walter said.

I felt every last drop of blood drain from my body as I unwillingly pulled out my phone calling back the mystery caller.

I had absolutely no control overy actions as I stormed away from the bar, forgetting about Jordan all together when Kaileys Shakey voice came on the line.

"Kill them, Mac" she whispered.

"Kill who? Where is she?" I demanded, unlocking my truck.

Drunk didn't matter at this point, I had to get to her, besides this whole situation was quite sobering.

"They hurt her, bad! She's bleeding and I don't know if she's alive!" She cried, "I got out, but I couldn't get to her! I tried Mac!" She was screaming at me now, and her hostility did little to calm me down.

"Where is she, Kailey?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"A cave, I think" .. She's in the canyons.

"How many?" I gripped the steering wheel tight, screeching onto the road.

"Two" She whimpered.

"I'm on my way" I told her, speeding off to the direction of the canyons, "and I'm bringing hell with me".

I don't know for sure how long it took me to get there, but I know it wasn't long.

I easily spotted the vehicle outside the caves. Amateur.

Without bothering to close my truck door I ran inside, knife at the ready.

The smell of blood hit me instantly, followed by the sound of male voices.

"Why the fuck weren't you watching her?" One voice boomed.

"I wanted to have a turn with this one, too!" The other defended.

My vision went red and my body rigid, so help me god if they had touched her.

I made no effort to stay hidden as I ran inside, showing myself to the pair instantly.

I saw her, huddled in the corner  with a bandage around her head.

She was alive, shaking, crying. Just like the first time I had found her and rescued her.

Her hair was matted to her head from blood and sweat. Her clothes ripped here and there, god she was beautiful.

"Which one of you bastards wants them die first?" I asked, approaching the larger man.

He readied to hit me, swinging his fist which narrowly missed my jaw.

"Come to save little slutterella?" The second man chuckled as I tossed his friend to the dirt.

I closed my eyes, trying not to let the rage blind me as I knelt, stabbing the big guy in his head. I had no time to play with these men and that saddened me.

"Go ahead, take her. We're done with her" The second, much cockier man smirked.

I walked up to him, grabbing him by his shirt collar and holding him to the wall, "I swear to every god, if I had the time, you'd suffer motherfucker, you sick bitch!" I screamed, holding my knife to his throat.

Just then Macey leaned forward, puking on the dirt in front of her, her slurred gags came one after the other until she was dry heaving.

He was staring at her, smiling like a kid on Christmas.

"She did" he smiled a sick smile at me.

And just like that, my calendar cleared up.

"What the fuck did you do?" I demanded, holding him tightly to the wall.

I let him start to choke a little to let him know I wasn't playing.

He fought for air and kicked his feet, exactly what I wanted.

"I said, what the fuck did you do to her?"

I had no plans until he was done talking.

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