16.| For You I Will

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Mac had yet to leave my side since I got here, Jordan visited every day, Kailey came by a few times and I'd even seen Walter once or twice.

The hospital made me popular.

While I was extremely glad that Mac had handled my problem with Grant there were still some things I needed to settle with him.

His lifestyle isn't one I'm willing to accept. Mac and I can never be together.

"Mac?" I whispered into the dark Hospital room.

"Hmm?" He hummed, his voice coming from somewhere near me that I couldn't see.

"We need to talk" I sighed.

"Now?" He asked, clearly I had woken him from sleep.

"Yeah" i felt bad but I had to get it off my chest now.

"OK what is it?" He asked.

"You know I know about you, right?" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear me.

The room fell silent for so long I thought he was asleep again.

"Yeah, I know" his voice was broken.

"I can't give you what it is that you want from me" I instantly regretted saying the words, but it was too late to take them back.

"I don't expect you to...yet" he said.

I let his words hang in the air, I would make my decision tonight, for now I had to let him rest, I had to clear my head.

The morning came and my decision had been made.

"About last night, what I said" I mentioned as he returned from god knows where.

"What about it Macey, I can't just forget about ya!" He said as he assumed his spot in the chair.

"So I'm supposed to what? Pretend you never said what you said? Did what you did? I'm supposed to just believe that you'll change?" I snorted.

"Yeah" he sighed, shaking his head.

"Why? Mac, why on earth would I do that?" I stood up balling up my fists.

"Cause for you, I will"

I let his words sink in fully. My mind had been made up before he even said those words, they didn't matter.

I knew exactly what had to happen and I knew it could not wait.

"But what if I don't want you to?" I said, fighting the tears that would spill from my tired eyes at any moment.


"Six" I choked, "there were six"

"Six what, what are ya talkin about?" He said, clearly confused.

"Six men, some drifters... Some local" I let the tears fall, and once they started, they would not stop.

There were six men, including Grant that had been in that warehouse, touching me.

Thankfully Mac had gotten to me before it went too far, but they would have come back for what they hadn't gotten, as soon as Grant got it first.

"Why are you telling me this!?" He yelled, "I can't stop myself from killing every god damn one of them assholes!"

"I know" I replied, "I don't want you to" it was true, I wanted to help him do it, I wanted them all dead for what they did to me and what they wanted to do.

For You I Will | MAC Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang