40.|Time after time

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"W-What?" I stammered, still trying to wrap my head around his words.

"I remember, the night I made you mine." He told me.

"But how? Why that night? How did you?" I still couldn't express myself through words alone.

He shrugged, "Probably cause its the smartest thing I ever done"

"How much do you remember?" I asked after a brief pause.

"Just that" he said with a smile, "Just making you my girl"

I smiled back at him, maybe in time, all of his memories could come back to him and things could go back to normal.

I loved the hopeless romantic Mac, it was a great change of scenery, don't get me wrong, but I truly missed my spitfire wild boyfriend. Fiance.

With some coaxing, I got Mac to walk into the house with me.

"Jordan" I called out.

"Macey, Mac" Jordan said as he walked into the kitchen, "How is he?"

"Great, I remembered something" Mac said with a grin, yet again.

He was all smiles and I was loving it.

"That's great, man!" Jordan cheered, patting Mac on the back.

"You guys, uhm, settle on the place yet?" Kailey chimed from around the corner, she was more excited about my wedding than I was.

Considering we both had one person wedding parties and she was mine. Mac said make it simple enough to pull of quickly, but extravagant enough to keep myself happy.

I was heading out the next day with Kailey to go dress shopping, Walter had given me a few shifts to keep up with money for the wedding since Mac was...out of commission temporarily.

"Not yet, but I had an idea" I told her, I had been mulling over a beautiful plan in my head for days.

"What's that?" Mac asked, even he hasn't heard about it yet.

I walked over, jumping up to sit on the counter, "Well I was thinking, its just an idea, but... We could hold the ceremony in the Canyons...and the reception at the Mesa" I smiled.

Nobody said anything for a moment and then Mac smiled, a wide toothy grin, showing off Hus neglected teeth. Once repulsive to me, but it was now my favorite smile in the whole world.

"Perfect" he said, walking over and kissing my forehead.

"You mean it?" I asked, feeling giddy from the contact with him.

"Its a beautiful idea" Kailey added with a smile of her own.

"I like it" Jordan threw in, "plus it takes some of the financial stress off"

Mac frowned, "I hate that"

"What" I asked, confused.

"Financial stress... You shouldn't have any kind of stress, much less money, I can't wait until I can fix that" he said, looking down into my eyes.

"Its not bad, we're comfortable" I told him, he didn't know a lot about our financial situation, and I kept it that way, it was true, too we had enough.

We wouldn't be able to stay comfortable with only be working, but Mac needed time, rest. I wouldn't have him stressing over something so trivial.

"But I want ya to have everything" he complained.

I saw Kailey cooing from the corner of my eye.

"I already have everything in the world I could ever want" I said, honestly.

"Not as much as I have" he corrected..

I leant up, kissing his cheek softly, letting my lips longed one one cheek while my fingers brushed over the other.

My eyes closed and I thought back to the night Mac and I made our pact, when we made our original promise to each other.

The shocks ran through my fingers again, causing me to retract my hand momentarily, placing it back as I remembered.

"Why are you telling me this!?" He yelled, "I can't stop myself from killing every god damn one of them assholes!"

"I know" I replied, "I don't want you to" it was true, I wanted to help him do it, I wanted them all dead for what they did to me and what they wanted to do.

"What?" I was clearly confusing him a lot this morning, I was confusing myself.

"I can't get their faces out of my head, Mac, I see them every time I close my eyes, I want them all dead, and I want to help you do it" My tone surprised me, it was cold, a shell of what I was, I never wished death on anyone before and now I not only wished them dead, I wished to kill them.

His confusion faded into a smile, a crooked evil smile.

My eyes shot open, but Mac wasn't smiling anymore his face was filled with anger.

"We did it, right?" He asked through gritted teeth.

I nodded, he remembered.

"Good, cause I'd do it all over again" he added, pecking my cheek.

Every time I touched him, whatever memory of us hit me at that moment, he got it somehow.

I made him remember, which was great, but what I didn't like was that I couldn't control what he remembered or how much of it.

This phenomenon was a force to be reckoned with.

It could kill my marriage before I even said I do.

For You I Will | MAC Where stories live. Discover now