35.| Hello Darkness

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I walked into Macs Room, my book in hand, I'd been reading to him lately.

A story I had found about a man who was in a coma for 37 days, and on the 37th day he woke up.

It was his biography, I was reading it to him in hopes that he could do the same.

The doctors were starting to get antsy, I had been unmoving on my decision to wait.

"I somehow found my way back; I surpassed the light and kept on going. I used my thoughts, my memories as guidance. Memories of my wife and daughter waiting for me just beyond the light, but not within it." I read aloud.

Knock. Knock.

"Come in" I called to whomever was on the other side of the door.

"Mrs. Rodriguez" It was Dr. Francis.

"Doctor" was all I said, turning the page of my book.

I ignored the doctors presence and started reading aloud again, "When I located the end of the light, I went there, following the sounds of the voices of those around me, I could still hear them clearly."

"Mrs Rodriguez, a moment?" Francis said, annoying me slightly.

"Yes?" I said, marking my page and closing my book.

This song and dance was getting old, and I bothered not to hide me annoyance.

"Its time" He said monotonously, as if his care for the fact that he was basically ripping my heart from my chest was non existent.

"What?" I asked to make sure I had heard him right.

"We pull the plug tomorrow, I'm terribly sorry" He informed me, at least pretending to be sincere this time.

I stood up, wiping the water from my eyes, "I will call our family" I told him as I slipped out of the room.

Instead of going to the phones, I went outside and climbed in my hot car.

I let my face fall against the steering wheel as I freed myself of all emotions.

They spilled from my eyes nonstop, my cheeks becoming puffy and red. I cried until my eyes ran dry and I was dry heaving.

My breath was short and forced as I dialed Walter's number,

"Hello?" He answered the phone, clearly sounding exhausted.

"Tomorrow" I sobbed again, my breath catching in my chest.

"Tomorrow what?" He asked, sounding rather worried.

"We say goodbye tomorrow" I told him as I choked on my own tears.

Something truly had to give.

Of course the morning came too soon, I never left the hospital once.

I sat by Macs bed with Walter and Devon, even Jordan and Kailey came.

I was reading to Mac when the doctor came in, "Its time" He told us solemnly.

He walked over to Mac with a priest by his side.

"Wait" I choked, "Can I please finish this chapter?" I begged.

"Go ahead" Francis told me, his remorseful eyes holing mine for a brief second.

I forced myself to stand and approached Macs bedside for the last time.

I sat on it and placed his hand on my leg.

"No more, could I see the light, in place of it I saw normality. I heard a voice, my wife, calling me back. I followed her, just the way I had in life, and that is how I made it back." I read aloud, "I wanted it, she wanted it, it took everything I had, but I let myself be released from that darkness and I woke up in her arms." I finished.

I stared at Mac for a moment just hoping his eyes would move, his hands anything.


"See you later, my love, you'll always be my forever" I said as I leaned down, dripping my wet tears all over his face as I kissed him goodbye.

"I'm ready" I choked as I squeezed his hand one last time.

The doctor nodded, "Turn it off." and they flipped the switch.



"Macey" I breathed when my eyes landed on hers, she moved to me and touched my hand like every day before.

"Hey baby" She said to me, her voice soft like silk.

"Read me that story?" I begged her.

She had been reading me a story about how to get back to her, how to find her in this maze.

"No more, could I see the light, in place of it I saw normality. I heard a voice, my wife, calling me back. I followed her, just the way I had in life, and that is how I made it back." She told me, "I wanted it, she wanted it, it took everything I had, but I let myself be released from that darkness and I woke up in her arms."

That was what I wanted to d, I took off, following the final directions shed given me and I could almost see it.
""See you later, my love, you'll always be my forever" I heard her sweet voice.

I felt trickles of warm droplets on my face, Maceys tears.

Why was she crying.

"I'm ready" I heard her say, I was so close I could feel her hand squeezing mine.

"Turn it off" I heard another voice say.

And then nothing,sobs, sounds of sniffling and crying.

"No!!" I screamed, "No!No!No!"

And just like that it was all gone.

An: wahhh I criad all over my phone and I'm not exaggerating. No updates until tomorrow because the next chapter is a big one.



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