25.| The Beginning

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The next morning I woke up in my bed, stretching my arms above my head as I yawned.

I slowly got up and made my way down the stairs. I was greeted by the smell of coffee and pancakes as I walked into the kitchen.

I took my usual seat at the bar top, smiling as my brother handed me a mug and a plate of his delicious pancakes. He only ever did this when something was going on, something bad.

"What's wrong, who died?" I asked, suddenly wondering if he may have found the suicide note I'd be leaving him in just a few hours.

"Mace" he said sternly.

Oh shit.

"Nobody died... But we have to talk about something, okay?" He finished, leaving my heart racing.

"What?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.

"It's Mac, he was arrested this morning." He said, flipping a pancake.

"What for?" I asked defensively.

"Multiple counts of Murder. Serial murder." He stated bluntly.

My mug fell out of my hand, shattering on the wood floor, the hot coffee splashed my legs but I barely felt the burn.

They had caught Mac and his life was ruined.

Somehow I had to clear his name before I left this world. I could turn myself in, say I had no ties to Mac.

Confess, and spend the rest of my life in a jail cell, wasn't glamorous, but I'd damn sure do it if it meant Mac could go free.

"Macey!" Jordan snapped his fingers in front of my face, "I said do you know anything about that?"

"Huh? oh, no" I said looking away.

"Yes you do, you were involved" He stated.

"How did you know?" I asked, starting to clean up the glass shards.

"I found this" He held up the note I was so worried he'd found, "so you and Mac, huh?"

"Yeah" I sighed.

"Disgusting" He mumbled, "were you really going to do it?"

"Yeah" I said again.

"Come here" he said, holding out his arms to hug me.

"How can I fix it, Jor?" I asked him, looking up at him from our hug.

"I don't know, Mace, but we'll fix it" He replied, rubbing my upper back gently.

"I love him" I told him, choking back tears.

"I know" was all he said.

I slumped around all day, waiting for any kind of call, anybody to give me any news on Mac.

Jordan and Kailey had informed me that they would be pulling every string they had access to.

They did manage to find out he was being charged with four counts of murder, and his court date had not been arranged.

Of course there was no bond and he had to stay in jail until when ever it was.

I was laying across my bed when my phone finally rang after 7 PM


"Hello?" I answered

"Macey, I hate to ask, but would you cover for me at Mesa tonight, I have to sort some things out with my son" he told me.

It wasn't my best idea yet,but I agreed, "Sure" I said.

"Great thank you" Walter replied before hanging up.

At least being busy would keep my mind off Mac for a while, maybe I could save up all of my work money and get Mac a good lawyer.

One could only hope.

I walked into the bar, sitting down my bag behind it and greeting Walter.

"Got here as fast as I could" I told him.

"Thank you again" He smiled, patting my shoulder on his way out the door.

I started picking up empties and refilling drinks, busying myself as best I could.

I just couldn't stop thinking about Mac, he needed a good lawyer, the best.

I could easily get bigger tips by flirting, or showing some cleavage, Mac would disapprove, but Mac wasn't here.

I unbuttoned an extra two buttons on my blouse, carrying on with my work.

"What can I get you, sweetie?" I asked the burly man at the end of the bar, I knew him as Ronnie, he was one of my regulars. Spent just about every night in this joint.

He was one of my favorites.

"Beer, thanks" He said, indifferent to my cleavage or my charm.


I walked off retrieving the beer and sliding it down the bar to him.

"Hey" Ronnie called, waving me over, "feel like listening to an interesting story?" He asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Sure" I said, leaning on the bar.

"Its about a girl." He said, looking around us before speaking again, "So this girl, she's real pretty. Real smart, too, I can tell. She works in a rundown hellhole in the middle of nowhere, she's nameless. Every time I see her, she looks tired, defeated, or deep in thought" by now he was leaning in as well, as if he were telling me a secret as he glanced around the room every once in a while.

"She's got this amazing, but rare, smile, and these blue eyes that light up the room, and she looks at me, she looks at all of us around this place, with those blue eyes, and all the problems, they just fall away, they're gone, poof, just like that!" He snapped his fingers, "So let me tell you, little girl, whatever problem you're facing right now, whatever has those bright blue eyes so bloodshot, I want to help you get out of it. I want to help it fall away."

I was shocked, his story had been about me, and he wanted to help, but could I really trust him? I knew he was a wealthy man, quite possibly one who had connections, I knew if he did want to help, he could.

But how do I tell him what this is about.

I don't know how to say out loud, that mac and I went completely psycho and tortured and killed five people, and he got caught.

Anybody in their right mid would run like mad at the mention of such things.

But I also knew that I didn't want Mac to rot in a prison somewhere, never knowing how I really felt about him.

"It all started when I moved to Cainville and met a guy named Mac..." I started from the best place I could, the beginning.

AN: So they got Mac, threw him in the slammer.


Anybody else just feel like slapping someone?

Xoxo, ReedusBxtch.

The song at the top, I am in love with! Please love it with me.

It was inspiration for this chapter. And the next one!

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