8.| Procrastinating

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We walked inside and I immediately fought off the urge to hurl.

Ever heard of a mop, or a rag, or a broom, or anything?

"So what do we know?" Mac said impatiently.

We had dropped Grant off at a cave with some of Macs friends that would give him water and patch him up enough.

"That this house is in need of a deep clean" I stated, "do you have cleaning supplies or should I buy you some?"

"I got 'em, I just don't see any need for 'em" he grunted.

"Well, start." I smirked opening the cabinet below his sink.


I grabbed the strongest stuff I could find.

"C'mon Mac, you can investigate and talk, while I clean."

I went to the back of the house opening doors as I went.

I picked up clothes and various random things off the floor as I went.

"Okay so what do we know about him" he said behind me.

"Oh here, look through this" I smiled, dropping the pile of laundry to dig into my pocket, retrieving Grants phone.

I handed it to Mac and bent back down to retrieve the clothes.

"Don't do that" mac growled, causing me to giggle.

We continued making our rounds until I entered what I assumed was his bedroom, judging by the bed.

I gathered the sheets and blankets, and turned back to Mac.

"Washer?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"Ugh, keep doing that, I'll be right back!" I fumbled through my pocket to retrieve my keys.

I piled the laundry into a trash bag, and tossed it into the back, before turning on the car and driving the short distance to my house.

"Jordan?" I called, but I received no answer.

I drug the bag slowly into the laundry room.

"Jordan?" I called again.

I still got nothing.

Shrugging I started to load the washer with the filthy laundry.

I filled it up adding plenty of scent boosters and detergent.

This laundry needs Jesus.

I let the washer run through a quick cycle and moved the clothes to the dryer.

I headed upstairs grabbing a bag from my closet.

I tossed a few changes of clothes and my toiletries inside, along with my toothbrush.

If I'm staying at Macs I'm going to at least be comfortable, and I guarantee he doesn't grocery shop, so I'll make him supper when the house is clean.

I went downstairs opening the freezer, I thought about what Mac might like to eat. He was manly and men liked steak, right?

I grabbed the steaks and closed the door, slipping them into a grocery bag.

I then grabbed the bag of potatoes.

Sorry Jordan.

I wondered where Jordan could be if his car was here, maybe Kailey picked him up.

I shrugged it off, running the food and clothes to my car.

I headed back inside, loading the clean laundry into the bag and hauling it back outside.

I decided to send Jordan a text so he wouldn't worry: 'Jordan, I'm fine, with Grant, don't worry! Love you.'

Seems legit.

He wouldn't be seeing Grant until the end of this anyway, so he had no reason not to believe me.

When I pulled back up to Macs house it was well beyond dark, I turned off the car and struggled to gather all the bags.

I placed the food in his gross fridge but left it in the bag, because ew.

"Clean clothes!" I announced dropping the bag at Macs feet, causing him to sit up abruptly.

He had been asleep on the smelly sofa.

I pulled out a bottle of fabreeze and drenched every surface I could find.

"You trying to choke me?" He exclaimed.

"I'm saving you, trust me" I giggled continuing on my cleaning mission.

I scrubbed the house top to bottom and it only took two hours.

I had folded and put away the laundry, redressed his bed and folded his clothing for the night at the end of his bed, something I'd always done.

I returned to the kitchen, pulling the food from the fridge.

"Mac!" I called, guessing he was asleep again.

He didn't answer so I dug around the kitchen finding what I needed.

I placed the steaks into a pan with some oil and seasoned them, before cubing the potatoes and drizzling them with oil and salt and baking them.

When dinner was done, I plated it on two plates and sat it on the table.

I walked into the living room to see Mac with his head laid back snoring and Grants phone in his hand.

I shook his shoulder lightly.

"You hungry?" I asked when he finally looked at me.

He nodded "A little, ya want me to take you somewhere?" He asked sleepily.

"No need, I've cooked you dinner" I said grabbing his wrist and tugging him into the kitchen.

"Damn woman" he said, sitting at the table.

"Eat" I said, nibbling on my bottom lip as he cut into his steak, I didn't know how he liked it and I hoped it was good.

"Cooked it perfect" he said biting into it.

"Thank god" I sighed sliding into my chair and starting to eat with him.

"So what did you figure out?" I asked him finally.

"That I oughta keep you around" he chuckled.

Clearly tonight didn't get us anywhere.

How could we ever prove Mac was innocent?

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