18.| O'Bannon

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"Big day" Mac grumbled, slapping my cheek lightly to wake me up.

"I'm up dad" I groaned, swatting at his hand.

"Let's go!" He whined, dragging out the 'o' like an impatient preschooler.

I hopped up slipping my feet into my slippers, today was the day we go after the first of the men.

Gary O'Bannon.

"Here" Mac said, tossing me a folded blue piece of fabric.

I unfolded it and held it up.

It was a blue Jumpsuit, the sleeves were 3/4 and it looked like it was going to be relatively tight.

"What is this?" I quirked an eyebrow at him.

He grinned, "Your uniform"

Really, Mac?

"You really think blue is my color?" I threw it on the bed, no way was I wearing that.

"Its hot." He stated, "outside, ya know the weather."

"Right" I smirked "I'm not wearing that"

"C'mon, we can match" he complained.

"Id rather not" I smirked patting his cheek gently with my hand.

He held up his own blue jumpsuit, though much larger it looked the same as mine.

"See?" He asked.

"Yeah I guess" I sighed, running my fingers through my hair, "Well get out so I can change" I reminded him.

"Why?" He whined in protest.

"Get!" I demanded, pointing to the doorway.

He slumped his shoulders and walked away leaving me to change.

Two can play Mac!

I smirked as I plucked the scissors off the nightstand, cutting the jumpsuit into shorts and popping off the top three buttons.

I slipped into my bright red pushup bra and pulled the jumpsuit over me.

He's gonna love this.

"Mac!" I called through the door.

"What? Need help?" He asked from the other side.

"Do you have a red bandanna?" I asked, I could literally hear him smirk.

"Yeah, only got a hundred of em" he replied, "top left drawer"

I went to said drawer and pulled it open, grabbing the first one I saw without stains on it and folded it up, tying it around my head like a headband.

Just call me sexy rosy the riveter.

I pulled the door open to see macs tall frame, standing directly in front of it still.

"Nope." He said and shut the door back.

"What?" I smirked pulling the door back open.

"You ain't wearing that!" He said cooly.

"Yeah, I am" I defended, waving my hands over my body, "I think I look badass!"

"You do, but you need more practical shoes" he gestured to my slippers.

"I need my boots" I agreed, "let's swing by and get them?"

"Yeah, lemme get dressed" he walked past me into his room and started stripping, not bothering to kick me out or close the door.

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