47.| Unholy Matrimony

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I awoke with a terrible pounding in my head, still covered in blood and bruises from last night.

Kailey was sat next to me, with a black mug in her hands, "Coffee, love?" She offered with a smile.

I sat up, taking the hot cup from her, and bringing it to my lips for a small sip, "thank you" I said.

"Not a problem, now up with you" She cooed, prying the blankets away, and fighting back a look of disgust at my bruise battered body, "How about a shower" She suggested.

I stood on shakey legs, making my way to the bathroom, mug in hand.

I turned the knob, allowing the water to flow freely as I peeled away my clothing.

Stepping into the shower I felt sweet relief wash over me as the grime of yesterday swirled down the drain.

I scrubbed myself up, thinking back to last night, my eyes blurred and my throat tightened.

Before I knew it there was a knock at the door, "Just a minute" I tried to straighten myself up and get out of the shower, but the crack in my voice wouldn't give undetected.

"Babe, c'mon out can't marry ya if yer in the damn tub" Mac called in mock annoyance, but I could sense the concern that laced his reply.

I didn't bother answering and instead made quick work of getting out, drying off and getting dressed in my robes.

I had little to do at the exact moment other than brush my teeth and hair.

When i finished grooming, you walked into the bedroom to find only Kailey, perched on the end of my bed.

"Let's get you dolled up" she said with a smile as she shoved me into my computer chair, swirling me around to face a pile of makeup and styling tools.

After burning my hair, probably to death, and covering my face with make up, she stood back, hand on hips, admiring her handy work.

She pranced to my closet retrieving the bagged dress, unzipping the plastic cover.

"Time to get your dress on!" She cheered, holding it up proudly.

She helped me into the flowy dress, tying up the back, before leading me to the mirror.

"Look at you!" She cooed, her voice cracking slightly, "You wait until Mac sees" she clapped a hand over her mouth, staring at me in disbelief.

I had to admit I looked...different, like a barbie...or a princess.. It felt nice to be marrying my best friend too, but i couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that something was wrong.

Last night kept rushing back to me.

Nonetheless, we got into kaileys car and drove toward the canyons.


I waited patiently next to Jordan, honestly starting to get a little too hot in that monkey suit.

When Kailey finally pulled up I was beyond ready.

The wedding was small, a few friends, my dad, her brother, not too many people, but we were happy with it.

The music started to play and Kailey stepped out of the car, walking around to help Macey out.

Kailey walked slowly towards us her hair let down in its natural pin tight curls, a knee length dress on and no shoes.

I chuckled, probably Maceys idea.

I saw Jordan's jaw go slack beside me and to my regret I followed his gaze.

Nothing was funny anymore, in fact everything stopped.

There she was, blonde hair curled around her face, big blue doe eyes lined in pitch black, plump lips glossed in the prettiest pink I ever saw and her dress held up in one hand as she was much too short for it.

My eyes watered and a smile took over my face as I looked down to see her pink toenails, no shoes.

Her eyes met mine and she smiled, her perfect smile and her eyes lit up.

My heart strings tugged a million ways from Sunday as she walked my way.

I took her tiny hand in mine as the words started, but I wasn't listening, not even when he was talking to me.

"Mac?" The priest called.

"Huh?" I said, finally looking away from my gorgeous bride to be.

"Do you?"he repeated.

" oh, yeah" I stated, "I do"

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, Mac, you may now kiss the bride"

Well one thing is for damn sure, he didn't have to ask me twice it had been forever since I'd kissed her properly and even longer if you counted the fact that I only partially remembered.

I leaned down, catching her lips with my own, tasting the mint on her breath.

In that kiss I could feel it, we were more in love than I ever though it possible for two humans to be.

I saw myself in her, and a little bit of her in me, a mismatch made in heaven.

An unholy matrimony.

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