7.| Nothing else

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My foot was tapping the ground nervously, with what felt like enough force to break the rock beneath me.

I was all too ready when grant pulled up, pumped and high on adrenaline. Maybe that's what caused the words to come out so effortlessly, or maybe it was the pure anger inside me, whatever it was, I was thankful for it.

"What the fuck are you thinking?" Grant growled stepping out of his truck.

"So so many things" I retorted giving him my most unnerving grin.

"Where's your fucking lover boy?" he glanced around, probably noticing Mac was nowhere to be found.

"He took off a while ago, had somewhere else to be" I shrugged, knowing full well I was lying trough my teeth.

"Why am I here, Macey?" He said getting impatient.

Poor baby. Oh wait, Don't care!

"Hanging out with your girlfriend?" I suggested, "Finding a quiet place to think about who to sell my body to next? Scouting out a spot to fuck the next whore you come across?"

"What lies has Mac told you?" He breathed stepping closer to me.

I chuckled "Its not what he told me, Grant, its what he showed me" I picked up the folder throwing it at Grant.

I watched as he picked it up, staring at all the evidence that was stacked inside, he looked like a man caught in something he couldn't back out of.

That's what I thought, bitch.

When he finally turned his face to look at me, I realized that he no longer looked afraid, he looked happy.

"Oh, Macey" he shook his head, closing the final distance between us, "I almost feel bad for you"

He grabbed me roughly, shoving me to the ground. He pinned my arms above my head, ripping my shirt open.

"You won't get away with this you sick piece of shit!" I spat, causing anger to take over his features as he punched me hard in the face.

"I will, because I'll pin it on Mac, who do you think Jordan will believe?" He said caressing my face.

"Mac!" I yelled, hoping he could see or hear from where he was.

"No, me!" Grant growled, wrapping his hand around my throat, letting my arms go free to swing at him trying to connect, he clearly thought I was answering him and not calling for help" Just like with Kailey, stupid little bitch."

What did that mean?

He used his other hand to travel between my legs.

I couldn't breathe and I felt the world starting to go black around me, he was going to kill me and blame it on Mac.

My final moments of consciousness were not spent thinking of my life or my family. My memories didn't go through my head on repeat, there was no light at the end of a tunnel.

Instead I saw Mac, being carted off to jail for something that he had no part of. Spending the rest of his life in jail instead of starting a family and having a life.

I should have known better than to think I could go so easily.

When my eyes opened the first thing I saw was Mac leaned over me, his eyes lit up when I saw him and he noticed I was awake.

"Where's grant?" I asked hoarsely.

He moved away from me allowing me to see Grant, blood soaked and heaped onto a rock, his very shallow breathing being the only indicator that he was alive at all.

"He's not dead" Mac said, sitting down on the ground next to me.

His bloodied knuckles rested on his knees and he smiled down at me, "Yet" he said.

"Don't" I found myself saying. I didn't want Mac in trouble for killing Grant.

I suddenly remembered something grant said which made me turn to Mac,"What happened with Kailey?" I asked him.

He sighed, "Nothing on my part; but somehow your brother got into his head that I slipped her drugs to try and sleep with her, she didn't remember shit the next day, I tried to tell his ass I had nothin to do with it but he didn't believe me, said Grant saw me slip somethin in her beer, tried to fight me, the idiot." He chuckled.

"Knocked him on his ass the first time that day" he remembered fondly.

So beautiful, memories of bar fights!

"It was Grant" I said.

"What?" He asked curiosity clear on his face.

"Grant drugged Kailey and blamed it on you! He said he was going to blame what he did to me tonight on you, Just like with kailey!" I knew somehow we had to clear Mac of all of these false accusations.

"Makes sense" he mumbled, "Sad too, me and yer brother, we got along okay before."

"We are going to fix it" I suggested ready to put an end to all the arguing.

"How?" He asked hopefully, turning to look at Grant who was still barely alive.

"We prove it, same as you did to me" I said, leaning up further off the rock that Mac had probably leaned me on.

"You really all that worried bout clearing my name?" He asked biting his thumbnail.

"More than anything else in the world" I told him truthfully.

In fact if I was sure of nothing else at this point in time I was definitely sure I wanted to help Mac, he had just saved my life and I wasn't going to let that go unrewarded.

Not ever.

I climbed to my feet and started making my way to my car, I needed to go home and tell Jordan what Grant had done, but I had no proof yet.

Mac was dragging Grant to his truck.

I watched as he sat him in the seat taking something from the truck and making his way over to me.

"Good start" he said handing me Grants cell phone.

With any luck there would be some kind of proof in it, bit likely not enough for me to go home and explain.

"Which way to your house Mac?" I said starting up the car.

"Just follow me" he grinned before disappearing to get his truck.

An: hnmmm what's happening?

They gonna do the dirty? Or no?

Why didn't he kill Grant?

Why is he taking her to his nasty ass house, I hope he cleaned up.

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