38.|Take me home

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"Let's go baby" I smiled, helping Mac up from his hospital bed.

I finally get to take him home and I couldn't be happier, Jordan agreed that he should stay with us.

With the wedding coming up, we had a lot of work to do, and it would easier be done with him around.

Plus I felt the need to have Mac "get to know me" over again, even though I knew and remembered everything about him.

Mac had decided to have a "no bullshit" wedding, spur of the moment instead of wasting time on the frilly details.

"I'll wait out here while you change" I told him as I pulled the door open.

He shook his head, "no need, ya seen it before, right?"

I blushed a little knowing he didn't remember our night together.

"Yes" my blush deepened.

"Have we?" He asked as he slipped his pants on under his robe.

I nodded slowly, "Just once"

"Wish I remembered that" He smirked, dropping the Hospital gown.

I couldn't help but give him a once over, he still looked just as good without a shirt.

"Me too" I told him honestly.

"Plenty of time for new memories after I get ya married" He chuckled.

I watched as Mac tossed his shirt on and walked over to beside me, he grabbed my face in his hands, looking down at me.

My heartbeat quickened as he leaned in close to me so that our lips were almost touching.

He placed a very slow kiss directly next to my lips.

I could feel myself frown.

"I want our first kiss to be our wedding day" He whispered with a smile.

Even though I remembered our first kiss having already happened.

"Okay" I smiled back, I didn't need or want him upset.

"Now let's get out of this place" He said, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

I walked him out and down the hall.

When we finally got to the car, I helped make sure Mac got in safely, before getting in myself and starting it up.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him as I pulled on to the main road.

"Hell yes" he exclaimed.

I pulled in to a small diner and got out, examining the place.

It looked like the kind of little joint to have really good greasy burgers.

We found a corner booth and took a seat, looking over the menu for a few minutes before a young brunette walked over to take our order.

"What can I get you two to drink?" She asked with a smile the size of the sun.

"I'll have a sweet tea, please" I returned her smile as she scribbled on her note pad.

She then turned to Mac and her eyes went wide, "Mac!" She squealed like Christmas had come early.

"I'm sorry, have we met?" He asked genuinely, "Do we know her, baby?"

Confusion crossed her features as she hurried off.

A new waitress returned, bringing my tea and apologetically asking for macs drink order.

I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out who that girl could be. This far away from home, some girl recognizes Mac.

The replacement waitress returned, taking our food order before rushing off to have it made.

"Who was that woman?" Mac asked me quietly.

"I, uh, I don't actually know, Mac" I told him quietly.

"Do you think I know her?"

"I'm not really sure" I could feel a tiny shred of jealousy forming as I wondered what could have happened between them.

"When we're done let's find out" he said, just as the waitress brought out our food.

I was thankful for the escape from the uncomfortable conversation.

What if Mac had cheated, I had almost completely forgotten there had been a girl with him on the night of his accident, maybe he'd slept with this girl and that one, too.

I almost brushed myself off as irrational, until I noticed the looks she was giving him from across the diner.

I finished my food as quietly as possible, trying to avoid any and all conversation. If anything had happened, Mac would not remember it, it would be wrong to punish him for something he had no idea he did.

When we were finally finished I stood up, walking to the front to pay our bill.

"32.41 please" The girl behind the counter smiled.

I handed her my card and waited while she swiped it.

"Thank you!" She cheered.

"You too" I waved and took my receipt.

I followed Macs eyes to the girl who was standing by the bar. I figure he still wanted to know who she was.

He was very curious about his past.

He grabbed my hand, holding it as he pulled me along to the pretty waitress.

"Excuse me" Mac said as we finally reached her.

"Yes" she replied as kindly as she could stand.

"I'm, uhm, sorry, he lost his memory in a car accident." I explained.

Her eyes went wide with shock and then lit up, "Of course!"

"Can you tell me how I know you?" He asked her.

"Yeah," She smiled, "I'm your girlfriend, and I'm pregnant with our child!"


An, uhm what, bitch?

Oh hell naw.

For You I Will | MAC Where stories live. Discover now