13.| Butterfly

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I stared at my phone, fighting off the urge to puke up the contents of my stomach, whatever they were.

Macey is gone, dead... How?

Not fully trusting my hands to work, I got up, leaving the house in the clothes I had on.

The drive to Maceys house was unsettlingly quiet, allowing my mind plenty of time to race.

Who had killed her? Why? What else happened beforehand? What were the chances Jordan was pranking me? Was it April first by any chance?

When I pulled up, I didn't bother turning off the truck, fuck gas, I don't care.

I pounded on the door anxiously, waiting for any sign of life inside.

Jordan finally came to the door, his eyes bloodshot and puffy, he had been crying.

"Come in" he choked, stepping out of my way as I walked past him into the house. He wasn't joking, this place is a mess, definitely no Macey here.

I rubbed a hand over my face looking at the state of the kitchen.

A pot on the water soaked floor, boxes and cans thrown about, but what caught my eye was a tiny silver keychain that laid on the ground next to a small blood spatter.

I recognized the keychain because I'd seen it several times, it had been thrown on my counter at home a handful of times even.


It was broken off, probably in the struggle, but it was all I needed to know to plan his funeral.

If they could even bury what was left of him.

"How did you find out?" I finally asked Jordan.

"Cops came, said they matched her to the description I gave them... Her body" he stammered, "it was burned- she was."

"What?" I growled, immediately feeling bad, he was in no mood for my bullshit but I couldn't help myself.

"She was burned alive" he said, laying his head in his hands.

I clenched my fists so hard my nails drew blood from my palms.

What kind of animal would ever do such a thing to sweet Macey.

"You" I cleared my throat, "you seen her yet?" I asked.

He shook his head, "haven't got up the nerve to do it" he sighed.

"Get ready then, I'll take ya" I offered.

He nodded reluctantly standing up and leaving the room.

I walked over to the metal piece on the floor, picking it up.

When I find him I'm going to shove it up his ass.

I sat down at the counter and felt tears sting the back of my eyes, I quickly blinked them away, turning back to the doorway just as Jordan entered.

He was cleaned up and dressed, but you could still clearly see that this man was not in any shape to be dealing with this alone.

I was going to help him, one way or another, Macey would've loved to see us getting along like this.

I walked him to my truck, getting in the drivers side.

I had forgotten about leaving it running, but it didn't matter much anyway.

I threw it in reverse, backing out of the parking spot I'd used.

My eyes lingered for an extra moment on Maceys little black car in the driveway.

I sure am gonna miss that girl.

"Let's get this over with" I sighed, looking over at Jordan who was still in some state of shock.

We drove on for a while, until we finally reached our destination.

I hopped out and waited for Jordan before finally walking on to the building.

"Can I help you, gentlemen?" A short blonde said from behind the counter.

She reminded me of Macey in a way, big doe eyes and light blonde hair, short and fragile looking.

"Yes I'm here to identify my sisters body" Jordan barely said, shuddering when he used the word body.

"Mr. Howard I presume?" The blonde asked sympathetically.

He nodded in response. I was starting to think that was all he did anymore, but he couldn't say anything and I couldn't blame him. Hell, if I was in his position I'd be going nuts, I'm going nuts myself anyway.

"And you are?" She said turning to me.

"Mac" I said gruffly, what did it matter I'm here to visit a corpse it ain't like I can kill her again.

"I'm sorry, only family" she stated, turning to walk away.

"He's her boyfriend" Jordan said suddenly, causing the woman to whip back around

She nodded in understanding, "I see, well let's go shall we?"

We followed her to the back where a table was stationed.

A white sheet lay over it, I felt my stomach turn at the thought of what would be under it.

She slowly approached the table, placing her hand on the sheet, "Are you ready?" She asked quietly.

Jordan looked at me and I nodded, what kind of question was that, how could anyone ever be ready for what we were about to be forced to do?

He nodded at the woman who gently pulled back the sheet, revealing a charred body, very little blonde hair was left, her height matched Maceys.

Definitely Macey.

I didn't fight the tears this time as Jordan started to sob uncontrollably before falling to his knees on the tile, gripping at the sheet.

I patted his back awkwardly and the woman remained silent.

"Let's go, huh?" I suggested trying to pull Jordan up from the ground, he fought me away.

"Its not her!" He cried, looking at me expectantly.

Yep, he's gone buts, poor guy.

"Jordan you have to just acc-" I started reaching for his shirt, to pull him up.


I backed away from him doing as he said and sure enough a barely visible butterfly tattoo was on this girls wrist.

This was not my GIRLFRIEND.

An: See don't hate me I always come through.

For You I Will | MAC Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang