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This chapter is dedicated to Shany316. Her comments on every Chapter really keep me going. Check her out, she's a riot!

It was time to buckle down and figure out a way to prove Grant wasn't as innocent as he tried to appear.

We had pulled as many phone records and texts as we could possibly get, but all of our lead still came up short.

We needed a miracle at this point, and Grant was healing entirely too fast.

Today Mac was bringing him to the house, we were going to try and get a confession.

I got in the shower, washing as quickly as I could and rushing to get ready, I wanted to be ready when Mac got up.

"Wake up sleepy head, let's go get my ex" I said, shaking him lightly.

"You ain't even dumped him yet" he joked, sitting up, " and yer waitin here"

"Why?" I asked, I wanted out of the house so badly.

"Assholes in them caves is the same as the one I'm goin' ta get, rather you not be around 'em" he said shaking his head.

"I'm a big girl, Mac" I said smirking.

I don't like being told what to do!

"That's nice, but ya ain't goin" he replied.

We'll see about that.

And see we did.

I waited for Mac to leave before hopping into my car and heading to the cave we left Grant in.

It was easy to get turned around out here and I wasn't surprised at all when I got lost.

I got out of the car, raising my hand to my eyes to block out the sun.

Where the shit was I?

"You lost, little girl?" A man called from behind me.

"A little turned around is all" I smiled as the unknown man approached me.

He had what looked like a gas mask hanging around his neck, what line of work would leave someone this far from civilization in a gas mask?

"I can help ya find your way back if ya want?" He offered kindly.

"That'd be great, thanks" I said.

"No problem, little missy, just give me one minute" he said dragging out the word one.

I nodded and turned back to my vehicle, reaching in to turn it off while I waited for the stranger.

No sooner than I reached the key, I fell to the seat someone's weight behind me, pressing me down.

Something went over my mouth, I assumed a rag, and I was pulled roughly from my car and tossed onto the ground.

The stranger grabbed a fist full of my hair and drug me through the dirt.

"Let me go!" I whimpered.

Probably should've listened to Mac this time.

"No can do, little one" the man said as he pushed me down on my stomach, securing my arms behind me with tape.

He continued to drag me on, scraping and bruising my body against the ground.

He pulled me into a small cave and into a dark back corner where he tossed me onto a dirty stained mattress.

He untied me and resecured me to the restraints on the mattress before straddling me.

He shoved his mouth onto mine causing my stomach to turn.

He pushed his tongue into my mouth and then i bit it, drawing blood.

"You Bitch!" He spat, slapping me in the face.

He hit me a few more times calling me every name under the sun.

We heard voices and he stood, leaving me to bleed on this disgusting mattress.

"Got a nice piece of ass, fiesty one" I heard the man say to the newcomers.

"Nice" I heard one of the men say. "Where at?"

"C'mon" he said and I heard the footsteps approach.

I looked up and recognized the men immediately.

Macs friends.

"Fuck!" One of them hissed, hitting himself in the forehead.

"Dude, you fucked up big time" the other said.

"What's the problem?" The asshole asked them.

"That's Macs girl" the first one spoke again shaking his head, "I want no part of this shit you're a dead man" he said.

"Mac!" I called, maybe he was here too, I wasn't his girl but I wasn't going to correct them if that's what's going to save me.

"Shut the fuck up!" The asshoe said, kicking me in the stomach.

"Dude, quit! Are you fuckin mental?" The second guy hissed, stepping between the asshole and I.

"We gotta get rid of her, maybe Mac won't know?" Asshole suggested.

"No, I ain't lying to him, not about this... This bitch is different. Remember that envelope girl?" The guy between us said.

"Fuck!" The asshole hissed, "Can we pin it on that one guy?" He said frantically..

"Grant?" The first guy asked, "No that won't work he tied up"

"Fuck it, I'm killing her, I'll toss her off, Mac will be none the wiser, you say anything I'll kill you assholes too!" He said.

"Man I'm warning you" the one between us said lowly.

All three men left me laying still bleeding on the mattress, just like before.

This could be where I die.

There was, however, hope for me Mac hadn't come here yet to get Grant, meaning he may be here before this prick can trow me off the canyon.

I can only pray that Mac will even be interested in saving me, after I purposely defied him.

I was pulled from my thoughtS by footsteps approaching me again.

"Alright, Bitch, let's take you for a ride before we toss ya, huh?" The asshole said, pulling out a knife and cutting open my shirt.

An* Jaws theme song*

Any guesses????


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