46.|Blood bath

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"No?" I pressed, "Well I suggest you start talking... Real soon or yer gonna drown in your own blood" I chuckled, kicking his foot.

I had him bound and tied to a damp spot in the cave where I assumed hed kept Macey for some time.

She was sitting in the far corner, still shaken up, and of course, refusing to tell me what had happened.

I'd managed to get Jordan and Kailey here to try and feed her and give her water, what? I'm not an idiot. Don't want my bride dehydrated.

I knew they'd given her something, but it was hard to say what, she had to have been pretty down on the shit, whatever it was, to be as sick as she is now.

The fact that I was so calm scared even me as I talked to the fool in front of me.

I had him scared thanks to a few well placed punches and one hell of a burn. Didn't really matter though, because it would only get worse.

I decided to try something else, leaving him to struggle as I walked up to Macey, kneeling in front of her, "Baby?" I whispered, tucking her hair away from her face, "I need you to talk to me"

She nodded in understanding, her eyes bloodshot and watering.

"I want you to tell me what happened" I told her, resting my hand on her face.

Her eyes went wide with panic as she looked around, seeing Jordan and Kailey both looking for her answer too.

She shook her head so fast I thought it might fall off, sobbing lightly.

"You can whisper it, just to me I need to know" I begged, just barely able to convince myself to lean in as she did.

I didn't really want to know, but part of me did.

I wanted him to pay accordingly for his crimes.

Her lips brushed my ear sending chills down my spine, I had to remind myself of my surroundings.

"They hit me" She whispered, her lips lingering, "forced drugs down my throat" her voice tried to catch in her throat.

I clenched my fists at my sides, waiting for the rest, I knew it was coming and I knew what she was going to say.

So did everyone else, Jordan took a grip on my elbow even though he was pretending not to hear her.

I closed my eyes as she drew in a slow and Shakey breath, "then" her quivery voice left little to the imagination, "he fucked me"

The words stabbed through my heart like a thousand red hot swords, no amount of knowing made it any easier to hear.

Jordan's grip was broken as I shook him free, kissing Macey forehead before standing up.

I turned to face my newest victim, his face told me that he knew I knew.




Four steps and I was staring down at him.

I leaned over, whispering to him, much the way I had to Macey, "She told me everything" I said calmly.

He nodded, sucking on his teeth.

"But you're going to tell me again" I gave him a grin, pulling out my trusty razorblade and flipping it out.

I positioned it right above his left knee, "there's two sides to every story, so let's hear yours".

He shook his head, "She told you, already man!" He panicked, but not enough for me, so I poked a tiny hole, turning the blade as I did.

He screamed in pain, but I was only getting started, "You were saying?" I pressed.

"Okay okay just stop!" He whined, averting his gaze from mine,"Just know, this shit wasn't for me, it was Grant, he owed my boss" he told me.

I nodded to let him know I was listening.

"I was given strict instructions, I was to pick the girl up, rough her up and deliver her to my boss" He bit his lip looking across the room at Macey.

I quickly struck him across the face with my blade, "Don't fucking look at her"

He nodded wincing from the gash in his cheek.

"Well that's what happened, I roughed her up, now I gotta explain why Marcelo is dead, I'm a dead man walking, I ain't got the girl, I ain't got the money. Grant... He's dead ain't he?" I let the silence thicken for a moment before nodding slowly

"Because of her... You you killed him, right? Cause of the girl?" He looked up at me, starting to realize his fate.

I nodded again, biting down hard on my bottom lip, "Yeah, spose yer next" I told him cooly.

He just nodded, but it almost looked to me like he was about to cry. My favorite.

"Go on then, what did ya do to my wife?" I said, placing the knife back over his knee.

"I- uh- sir, you don't want to know" he begged one last time.

I plunged the blade all the way in, twisting it.

His screams bubbled, filling the humid air, "Ya gonna fuckin tell me everything got it?"

"Yes!" He screamed

I pulled the blade out.

"I fucking raped her! I drugged her first and then I did it and she wouldnt shut up! Screaming for Mac, tellinge he was going to kill me, so then I gave her more, but I think it was too much and then I thought she was dead, but she wasn't and I did it again!" His voice was shrill, loud and it was unfortunate for him that he had said too much.

I grabbed his tongue, forcing it from his mouth, "You son of a fucking BITCH!" I spat, cutting his tongue out.

"Yer gonna bleed to death in here, you understand me? I'm going to kill you, so fucking slowly that if you had a tongue you would pray to God to end it, you sorry motherfucker.  I AM Mac and I am here to fucking kill you," I knelt, untying him and lying him face down, I then placed my knee on his back and lightly scored his throat with my blade.

I wanted him to feel true pain, to know the horror of lying in a bath of your own blood, knowing you would bleed to death.

And then I wanted him to die.

I used my fist quite skillfully, breaking his eye socket with a beautiful crunch.

"Baby come here" I called, turning to my beautiful bride to be.

She tried to stand but couldn't, so I walked over, picking her up and carrying her across the cave, I sat her down and handed her the blade.

"Cut the motherfucker off" I told her, kissing her cheek.

She gave me a weary smile, and that was exactly what she did, I picked her back up and we walked away, jordan and Kailey behind us, leaving the bloody mess to gurgle his way to death.

"So long motherfucker!" I called over my shoulder.

"Now let's get you two some rest you're getting married in exactly 7 hours!" Kailey said.

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