12.| 3:29 AM

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It had been almost three days since Mac came to visit me at home, and three days that I hadn't seen him or heard from him.

So you can imagine my excitement when my phone went off. I rushed to my bedside, snatching it up to look at the new message.

My heart sunk noticeably in my chest when I opened it;


We need to talk... Please?

I sat the phone down and put my face in my pillow screaming into it.

Why couldn't it be Mac?

Deciding to ignore the desperate message I walked downstairs to make myself some dinner.

Jordan was out with Kailey for their anniversary, so I was on my own for the night.

I grabbed a put and filled it with water and placing it on the stove to boil.

Macaroni and cheese it is.

Leaving the water to boil - I walked over to the pantry to get out a box of macaroni.

The door opened behind me and slammed loud,

Somebody had a crappy date.

I turned around and my eyes fell on the last person I wanted to see,

Grant Bowers.

"What are you doing here?" I growled, letting the macaroni box fall to the floor.

"I needed to see you, Macey, I didn't come here to hurt you and I hope I don't have to" he said, walking closer to me.

"Get out, Grant" I spat, backing up until my back was against the pantry door.

"I can't" he smiled, shaking his head.

"You can, and you better if you know what's good for you!" I screamed, grabbing the closest thing I could reach - a can of peas- and throwing it at him.

His smirk was unnerving, never faltering.

He clicked his tongue, "Should've never done that, baby girl" he said.

Are you fucking high, Mac will kill you!

He reached out latching his hand around my neck and slinging me across the room.

I hit my ribs against the counter, and felt the immediate crack.

If they weren't broken before, they definitely are now.

I groaned, struggling to stand back up.

Bracing myself against the stove for leverage I pulled myself to my feet.

I turned around to look at my attacker, still wearing that murderous smirk.

"All the shit I did for you, girl, and I didn't even get a piece?" He chuckled.

"Like I'd ever give it up to someone like you" I scoffed.

"Maybe not willingly" he growled, stepping forward.

Oh my fuck, seriously? Anybody that's not a rapist in this town, please raise your hand...nobody?

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