29.|Will you still love me?

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Possible self harm triggers proceed with caution!!

Mac avoiding me was literally becoming unbearable, "What the fuck is it Mac?" I growled, I was tired of his childishness.

"Dontcha fuckin worry about it!" He yelled, inches from my face.

I was currently at his house, where I'd driven, just to have this conversation or 'fight' with him.

"I am worried about it!"I stated,stepping back.

"Oh are you?" He asked, stepping forward again, "Call up Tanner,why don't ya,I'm sure he'll be more than happy to 'comfort' ya"

He was mere in he's from me and his stance felt threatening, this was very new to me as Mac had never threatened me before.

He moved to light a cigarette and judging by his face, I must have flinched at his sudden movement because he twisted his face into a confused and hurt expression.

"Think I'm gonna beat ya now?" He scoffed, backing off some.

"No" I shook my head aggressively.

"Don't you fucking lie to me, I know exactly what ya think of me" He spat, backing up against the counter to lean on it.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, suddenly feeling more confused than when I came over here to begin with.

"Cops know shit" He retorted, puffing his now lit cigarette, "Ain't the smartest, but I know shit too"

"I am literally so confused right now" I told him, and I was.

Whatever he was talking about was news to me.

"Heard you was gonna blow town" He said lowly.

He stared at my unmoving face momentarily, "Yeah, that's what I thought, so what was the plan? You and Tanner gonna run away and live happily ever after while ol' mac rotted away in a cell, huh?"

"What-no I was leaving before you got arrested" My confusion only deepened, "Before Tanner-"

"Before Tanner what?" He growled, "He fuck ya?"

"No, nothing like that- he helped us get you out, why are you angry at him?"

"Defending him now I see, I should a seen you for a whore the second I met you! Played Grant just like ya played me" He spat causing my blood to boil.

I don't care how angry you are you do not speak to me that way.

"Fuck you, Mac!" I called, turning and stomping away from his house.

I climbed into my car, fumbling with the keys for a moment before slipping them into the ignition and firing it up.

Burning rubber on the way out, I tore out of his driveway and headed back to my house.

I pulled out my phone dialing the only person who might have a clue.

"Tanner" I whined into the phone as I drove.

"What's wrong? Are you crying?" He asked worriedly.

"Mac" I choked, unable to elaborate for the fear of sobbing.

"What's wrong with Mac? Is he okay?" He rushed.

"He's pissed," I cried, "He hates me, he thinks you and I were sleeping together"

He paused, "What?"

"I know its ridiculous"

"Hey hey, easy now" He protested, trying to lighten the mood.

"I just don't get it" I stated.

The line fell silent for a minute.

"I think I might know what the problem is" He finally said.

"Doesn't matter, I'm going" I told him.

I wasn't lying, I was going to kill myself before all of this anyway, may as well now that I could no longer have Mac.

I drove past my house and kept on toward the canyons.

"Don't you fucking dare" Tanner said, "I'm gonna figure this shit out and call you back, okay? I promise!"

But it was too late, I knew what I needed to do, "okay" I said, knowing I wouldn't answer when he called back.

I left my phone in the car, getting out and walking to the edge of the canyon.

I stared over the edge preparing myself to jump, all the while thinking about the final text I'd sent Mac.

I heard my phone ringing on my seat, that was my cue.

I closed my eyes, listening to his ringtone and taking a moment to silently remember our time together, how much I had loved him, but it didn't matter, not anymore.

"Will you still love me

When I'm no longer young and beautiful?

Will you still love me

When I got nothing but my aching soul?

I know you will, I know you will"

With the final words of the song as my guidance, I felt myself let go of all my inhibitions.

I steadied on the ledge raising my arms out from my sides, like a bird about to take flight. I leaned forward and let my feet slip.

"I'm so sorry" I said as my body lurched forward, though no one would hear it.

An: I can't believe how well both story lines worked out, making problems line up. It truly amazes me every time I write out a chapter how much the two stories resemble. For that I am sorry.

For You I Will | MAC Where stories live. Discover now