26.|Your story

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I told Ronnie everything, and to my surprise, he didn't run. He stayed silent, nodding here and there to let me know he was listening.

"I see" he finally said, "so its legal help you need?".

I nodded my head, " A lawyer, to be exact."

"Well, I know the best lawyers money can buy, sweetheart, but I'm fairly sure, not even they can get your boyfriend out of this mess alone" He told me, pulling out his cellphone.

My heart sank into my stomach at his words, but I knew he was simply being realistic.

"Luckily for you, bright eyes, I know someone who can" He finished, typing on his phone momentarily, "I can set your boyfriend up with an expert legal team, and that's not all" he raised a finger.

He was starting to sound like an infomercial, 'but wait, there's more!'

"I know a guy, who knows a guy, who may just be able to see to it that whatever substantial evidence they currently have in for testing, turns up...tainted." He grinned, like what I was asking of him was the easiest task mankind had ever heard of. It was ridiculous, and here he was like it was normal.

"I can't even begin to thank you enough!" I exclaimed, feeling tears of joy run down my face.

"Oh, trust me, when Mac is out, then I have a chore for you" He said grabbing his coat, "Tomorrow, you and I visit Mac, meet me here at 11am." He called over his shoulder.

Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.

I woke up, with an hour and a half to spare. I wasn't in any rush, but I wanted to look good.

I showered and brushed my teeth, slipping on my favorite shorts and a black tank top with a blue jean vest over it.

I put on very little makeup and straightened my hair.

I was ready with only thirty minutes to spare.

"Off to see Mac?" Jordan asked as I bolted past him.

"I hope, I love you , bye!" I rushed, pecking his cheek as I bounded out the door.

We made it to the jail just in time to only get fifteen minutes with Mac.

"Mac!" I shouted when I laid eyes on him.

"Hey baby girl" He greeted me with a smirk, his eyes then shifted to Ronnie and his smirk disappeared.

"Mac?" Ronnie said, holding out his hand across the table, Mac did not shake it.

"Yeah that's me, who are you?" Mac deadpanned, shifting his eyes between me and Ronnie.

"Well for starters I'm a regular customer at your fathers joint, and a huge fan of your beautiful girlfriend here" Ronnie chuckled to himself at his attempt to lighten the mood.

Macs face remained solemn.

"Secondly, my name is Ronald Hampshire and I'm a defense attorney, I have a powerful team of legal experts that I'm willing to put at yours and Miss Howards disposal" He explained to Mac, who looked perplexed.

"And then you want us to, what?" Mac asked,placing a hand on his chin to rub his scruff.

"I'm sorry?" Ronnie interjected.

"Well, ain't no reason for you to do that unless ya want something" Mac clarified, "and I can tell ya right now, if it has anything to do with my girl, I'll rot in this place before that happens" He rested his case.

"It doesn't, I'd like to actually interview you both, maybe write a book about you, anonymously of course. I dabble in writing, you see, I practically guarantee you get out of here, in exchange for the rights to your story" Ronnie suggested, placing his hand out again for mac to shake.

"That's all you want?" Mac asked, shocked.

"That's all" Ronnie assured.

Mac shook his handthis time, "Deal".

"I'll send for my legal team to arrange a meeting" Ronnie said as they let go.

"We're gonna get you out of here baby"I assured Mac as he reached over the table grabbing my hand to hold.

"No physical contact!" One of the guards shouted.

"Ah, suck it!" Mac grumbled, letting go of my hand.

We sat and discussed our options for a few short moments, but my mind was elsewhere, I was studying Macs features, memorizing his face.

I hoped our plan worked, but I was so uncertain, and I couldn't risk not remembering him, because if it didn't work, I would turn myself in.

I would forbid Mac from visiting me, order him to move on with his life, and I never wanted to forget his face.

"Times up!" The same guard shouted and both Ronnie and I rose to our feet.

"We're going to get you out"I repeated.

"I know," Mac said, "And Macey?"
"Yeah baby?"

"I love you, you know that, right?" Mac asked as he wrapped his arms around me.

"No physical contact!" The agitated asswad repeated.

"Yeah, I know"Was all that came out before the guard dragged me away, I wanted to say I loved him too, that I lived him more than anything, but the words just wouldn't come out.

"Watch how you grab her, cocksucker!" Mac screamed furiously at the guard who had a grip on my arm.

"I love you Macey!" He yelled after me.

I still couldn't say it back.

An: Why won't she say it back!

Will Mac get out?


Xoxo, ReedusBxtch

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