22.| Smith

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"Mac, let him go! He has nothing to do with this!" I screamed.

"I saw him, Macey, goddamnit he aint no better then them other monsters, ones you want dead" he spat, continuing on his drive.

He had taken Kenny, after beating him pretty badly, and put him in the truck. He was now headed to the canyon to dump him so we can start hunting for Smith.

"And you are?" I choked, remembering he was using again.

"Whadya mean by that?" He asked, his tone suddenly soft.

"You are using again. You're using and you're hiding it" I clarified.

He kept his eyes ahead, "Im not using again, Macey. Got nothin on me, got nothin at home either, you can see for yerself."

"Last night? Were you high?" I asked, sticking a cigarette in my mouth.

Nasty habit to be picking up, i usually do it when im stressed or celebrating.

"Yeah i was, but i ain't now" He said, taking a sharp turn.

I lit my smoke, "Why?"

"Sold some, buyer wanted me to get high with him. I tried to refuse, but that shit is hard to get away from Macey, thats why i don't want you around it"

"Then why come to my house high off your ass on it?" I asked him, turning my head to the side.

"I didn't want to, i wasn't going to- but then you texted me and i had to see ya" He stated as he parked the truck by the canyon.

I didn't say anything back, if he could forgive me for the mess i got us in tonight, i could forgive him for revisiting his past.

As long as it didn't continue to happen.

We got out and hauled Kenny out of the truck.

Mac laid him on the edge and put his foot against his back, "Ready?"

"Ready" I smiled, and he used his foot to kick an unconscious Kenny into the canyons graves.

"Lets go get this asshole tonight" He said suddenly as we walked back to the truck.

"Okay" I replied with a grin.

We went by Macs house, getting dressed in our 'Uniforms' before heading off to find Daniel.

It was near dawn when we located his house, it was stand alone in the woods making the chances of anyone hearing highky unlikely.

The plan was the same, a finger, an ear, and a crowbar to the same.

But you just try and make a plan with Mac and tell me how that works out.

"Danny!" He called up the stairs, "Oh Danny boy!"

"Who the hell are you?" Danny asked, gripping a baseball bat in his hands as he stood atop the stairs, blocking our way.

"Your worst nightmare" Mac said, brazenly walking up to him.

He went to swing the bat at Mac, but he skillfully dodged it, tackling Daniel to the wood floor.

"I knew you guys would come" Danny winced from the concussion he'd probably just received, "words spreading like wildfire, so tell me" He winced again, "Who's next?"

Mac punched him to shut him up.

"You're going to die here, Daniel, then your brother, hes next" I spoke up, confirming what he already knew.

"I see you got your fight back" he smiled at me with his busted lip, "when i saw her in the warehouse, she had all but given up, crying and snivelling" he turned to Mac, "Screaming for somebody named Mac, that must be you, huh? Was it you she was screaming for while she sucked my little brothers c-"




He was knocked out, i looked at Mac in disbelief.

"What? He wouldn't shut the fuck up!" Mac yelled, stomping down the stairs and out the door.

He returned with some rope, wich he used to tie Daniel up,  and a bottle of liquor he must have gotten from Daniels house.

Was he really going to get drunk at a time like this.

We sat in silence whike we waited for him to wake up, every now and then stealing a glance at one another.

Daniel finally came to, immediately struggling against his ropes.

"No use" Mac said with a shrug as he walked over, kicking Daniel in the stomach.

He rolled him onto his back, probably making his arms uncomfortable under him.

"Let me go you fucking idiots!" He screamed, kicking his legs against the rope.

"Im afraid i can't do that, my friend" Mac stated, sitting down next to him and drinking from the liquor bottle, "You thirsty?"

Daniel only shook his head, still strugging against the restraint as Mac walked over to me, "How about you baby?" he said and i took the bottke, sipping from it before handing it back to him.

He turned around to face Daniel, holding his bottle up,  "You sure? I hear its last call."

"I don't want it" Daniel defended.

"Kinda like my girl didn't want it? What did ya say to her? I bet it was something like 'Too damn bad' am i right?" Mac stood directly over Danny,  turning the liquor bottle up and taking a shot, before dousing Daniel with it.

He poured the dark liquid all over his skin hair and clothes, and then he spit on him.

"Come on, Come over here sweetheart" Mac said holding his arm out.

I ran under it, snuggling into his side.

"Let's do this" He whispered to me.

"May the lord forgive you, because i never will" I said, standing over him now.

"And may the devil have mercy on your soul, because i can't" Mac finished.

I walked forward, leaning closer to Daniels face.

Fear, nothing but fear and i could smell it.

"Any last words asshole?" Mac spat from behind my left shoulder.

"Tell my brother i love him" He said, letting sikent tears roll down his cheeks.

I almost felt bad, i caught myself though.

"Daniel Smith" I called, looking directly into his eyes as Mac handed me a lit match.

"Goodnight" Mac finished as i let the match fall.

The flames burned low, his flailing and screaming seemed to last forever.

For a second Mac suggested getting some gasoline or something.

But he finally stopped fighting, the smell of burnt hair and flesh filled the air.

"Goodnight" I whispered as we left the house, tossing a match behind us.

For You I Will | MAC Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant