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"Macey?" Jordan said shaking me awake.

"What?" I said grumpily, sitting up in my bed.

Mac had brought me home late last night, after Tanner had helped him clean up the mess.

He had told Jordan everything, something I strongly disapproved of.

"How are you this morning?" He asked, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Just peachy" I snorted sarcastically.

"Mac stopped by" he informed me chewing at his bottom lip.

"How is he?" I asked, I feel like it must be emotionally destructive to murder someone.

"He's beat up, feels pretty shitty" he sighed, "Why didn't you tell me about Grant?" He pressed.

"I needed proof you hate Mac!" I whined.

It was true, how was I to expect he would take my word, he had been close with grant forever

"I would have believed you" he shook his head, "I hated Mac, yes, but for something he didn't even do"

"I wanted you to see it in writing." I sighed plopping back onto my pillow, "Do you still hate him?" I asked peering up at him.

He shook his head, "I can't say he's my favorite person, he's into drugs you know? Not the type of guy I want you hanging around" he said.

I groaned, all that work and I still wasn't free to be friends with Mac.

"But" he added, "you're an adult and you're free to chose your own friends, just be careful" he said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

I threw my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you" I said into his shoulder.

"I didn't know he meant that much to you..." He said when I let him go.

Neither did I...

His phone rang in his pocket, making me jump.

"Hey" he said when he answered it.

"Hmmmmm, yes Mac, she's awake" he said.

I know my eyes lit up and he noticed because he pulled the phone from his ear and put it on speaker, laying it on the bed.

"How is she?" Mac said.

"I'm good, stop worrying" I replied, scooting closer to the phone.

I was like a kid on Christmas and that wasn't the best part;

"I'll be by there in about an hour" he stated.

I felt like my face was going to rip off from smiling so hard.

"Ok" I said, pausing because I hadn't asked Jordan, I looked up at him.

"We'll see you then" Jordan said, putting my fears to rest.

"Bye, Macey" Mac said, "and Jordan" he added.

"Bye!" I cheered jumping up and rushing to my bathroom to get a shower before Mac came.

Sure I would still look a mess with my bruise painted face, but I would be clean.

I washed in a hurry, turning off the water and leaping out in a mad dash to get dressed.

Jordan must have busied himself elsewhere in the house because he was no longer perched on my bed.

I threw on a tank top and shorts and bounded down the steps.

I still had a half hour to wait and that was pure torture.

"Jor!" I called, plopping down on the sofa.

"Macey" he said entering the room, he wasn't alone and I couldn't stop myself if I wanted to.

I stood up throwing myself at Mac, who smiled before wrapping his arms around me loosely, "hello to you too" he said into my hair "I brought you food"

He was officially my favorite person.

"I'm starving" I whined as I let go.

"I figured" he said, tugging me back to the kitchen.

He handed me a box of food I assumed was from Luna Mesa and I wasted no time digging in.

Jordan and Mac sat at the bar top with me, eating their own food.

"So what'd you do with him?" Jordan asked Mac.

Way to kill the mood.

"Cleaned up ain't nobody missing him" Mac clarified, his mouth full of food.

Manners much?

Jordan nodded, "Thank you, for what you did for my sister"

"Was nuthin" he said, "I wanted to"

We shared a look.

Jordan noticed.

Of course.

"You two, uh-" he looked between us.

"Nah, ain't touched er since that night at Luna" he said, noticing Jordan's discomfort.

"Okay, and about that-" Jordan started.

Shut the fuck up! Nobody wants to hear it.

"No need, " Mac interrupted, "Won't happen again"

"Okay, good" Jordan sighed.

I disagree.

"I don't want her rushing into anything after Grant" Jordan stated, standing up and throwing away his trash.

"I get that" Mac said reaching over to squeeze my hand under the counter.

I let him continue to hold my hand, enjoying the warmth I felt from his action.

"What did you do with Grant anyhow?" Jordan asked Mac, leaning against the counter.

"Took him home, warned him what would happen if he came near macey again and I found out" he shrugged like it was no big deal that he'd threatened a man's life.

Macs phone rang, cutting the conversation short.

"I gotta go" he said when he hung up.

"I'll walk you out!" I offered standing up abruptly.

Mac smirked, "Bye, Jordan" he called over his shoulder as we walked out.

"Bye". I barely heard Jordan call back.

"When do I see you again?" I asked leaning against his truck.

"Soon, I hope" he said.

I stood on my tippy toes, pressing my lips to his cheek.

"Stay safe" I whispered.

"Always" he smirked again, getting in his truck.

Filler. Fluffy shit fluff

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