5.| Turning Tables

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Grant came over to tell us all about what happened, i figured as much would happen.

What i couldn't wrap my head around was why HE was sporting a busted lip and a black eye.

He told us that Mac had gone directly to him, he had told him everything from the day i hit town. Everything.

That he kissed me, i slapped him. All of it.

The funniest part if you could call it that, was that at the end of his confession he told Grant that i told him to leave me alone. And on his way out Grant said he definitely heard him say, 'but i cant do that'

Needless to say it was all a little twisted.

I wondered if his word would ring true, would he in fact leave me alone, or would he go all psycho creeper on me.

I barely slept a wink all week. I avoided Mac at work and everywhere else. The bad part is that he WAS everywhere.

Didn't matter if i was alone or with Jordan. We saw him everywhere.

I swore he was even in my driveway last night.

Jordan and Grant had threatened him, begged him. He wasn't going to leave us alone and that was clear.

I made my way to my shower and made quick work of getting freshened up, i had nowhere to go and nothing to do, but i needed to get out of the house.

Jordan didn't want me here alone anymore.

I heard the door open and my heart just about dropped to my ass.

"Babe?" Grants voice called up the stairs.

"Just a sec!" i called back as i dressed.

Grant had not seen me naked, i planned on keeping my virtue in tact for marriage.

Dont judge me.

I opened the door to reveal a freshly beaten Grant.

Who the fuck keeps hitting you.

"Have you heard anything from Mac?" he asked impatiently.

"No, who kicked your ass?" I shot back.

"Nobody i fell, has Jordan talked to him?"

Well thats a lie.

"No, why?" i was becoming impatient.

"Don't, like if you see him run, both of you, dont let him speak at all" he was acting super sketchy.

"Why?" i asked.

"Damnit Macey!" he growled grabbing my sore arm, "just fuckin' do what i say!"

Im actually going to do the opposite of what you say for that.


"Let go." I said.

He squeezed harder.

Now im going to find Mac and make out with him!

"Fuckin let GO, Grant!" i hissed, he let go and glared at me as i stomped out of the house.

I got in my car and started it leaving the house in the dust.

I grabbed my sunglasses from my visor knocking a small piece of paper into my lap.

There was a number scribbled down along with;

'Call when you find this'

Of course im a rebel and dont like being told what to do so i waited 5 minutes and then called.

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