42.| Runaway groom

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"Mac?" I called out when I walked into the house.

No reply.

I walked up the stairs to my room, opening the door quietly in case he was asleep.

He wasn't there.

My stomach went haywire telling me that something was amiss as I scanned the bedroom.

It was then that I noticed the folder on the bed.

I walked over, examining it. One page was missing.

I knew where he would end up and I needed to be there when he got there.

I ran to my wardrobe, throwing around clothes until I found the familiar cut up, blue jumpsuit.

I pulled the red bandana from the pocket tying it around my head before shimmying into the jumpsuit.

I rushed back to my bed, slipping into my boots.

"Be back!" I called to whomever may or may not be in the house as I hopped into my car.

I started it up and backed into the road, nearly being hit by an oncoming vehicle that swerved to miss me.

I was on a mission.

I spun tires half way down the road, leaving my driveway in the dust in a hurry to beat Mac there.

I fumbled around in my purse for my cell phone for a moment before locating it and dialing Walter.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Walter, have you heard from Mac?" I asked him quickly.

"I have, he asked about Murray" he spoke quietly.

"I know. He found the folder. Where is he now?" I demanded.

"Looking for him" he stated honestly.

I hung up, I was furious, why walter would've added him to the list in the first place baffled me.

We both knew what Mac was capable of, especially when set off.

And now it seems that the old Mac had come out to play.

I was in a race against time, and time was kicking my ass.

If he was determined enough I knew Mac would easily locate Murray and kill him.

The only thing wrong with that was that Murray didn't need to die, he was the man that Walter added to the list for getting handsy with me while I was honey potting for information.

He was simply drunk and getting too close.

He was practically innocent, and I may not be able to save him.

I floored it, speeding my way down the highway.

When I finally reached my destination I was relieved to see that Mac was not yet here.

I rushed into his house, not bothering to knock before barging in.

"Murray?" I called loudly, as if he would remember me anyway.

Walter knew his family fairly well, which was how we knew where he lived, other than that, I knew his name.

Walter had purposely left his address and even his name off the profile, so that this could be avoided unless it became necessary.

But once Mac got an idea, no force on heaven or earth could stop him.

No sooner than he walked out of his room, I heard Macs truck outside.

"Go back in your room and lock it!" I yelled,as he stared at me wide eyed.

"Who the hell are you and what-"

He was cut off by Mac tackling him to the floor.

Tried to warn you, bud.

Mac punched him twice in the face, until we heard the familiar crunch of crushing bones.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Mac spat at me as he turned his attention from his bleeding victim who was currently blubbering like an idiot.

"Mac, get off him!" I growled marching over to him.

"I will not!" He retorted, throwing one more punch and knocking Murray out, "shut the fuck up"

"He's innocent, now leave him alone!" I barked.

He stood up, balling up his fists as he met my glare, "he's not, and neither are you!" He screamed, punching a hole through the wall next to him.

I stared at him, mouth agape.

"Yeah, that's right, Macey, I remember" He told me coldly.

An: Short chapter. It may take me more than anticipated and end up around 60 chapters. I need to end this one here because of what's coming up. Just trust me 😝

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