32.| Disappear

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I woke up late,stretching and yawning as I climbed out of bed.

I walked around my room gathering my laundry for a wash.

I was procrastinating and I knew that, but it wasn't important, what was important was that my room would look amazing when I was done.

I picked up random things, placing them back where they belonged, and singing around my room.

When I was content with what I'd done there, I headed downstairs for some breakfast.

Walter was standing in my kitchen with his other son, Devon.

Jordan was talking to them about something as I walked in.

"I haven't seen him, but when she gets her phone back I'll have her call and then I'm sure he'll answer" Jordan was saying.

"Thanks" Devon said, shifting his eyes to me as I entered the room.

Walter nodded at me briefly in greeting,I returned the gesture.

I then shot Jordan a questioning look,pouring myself a bowl of cereal.

"Mac has turned up missing" he clarified as I had just taken a bite of my food.

I nearly choked on it.

Good timing, bro.

"Just up and left, won't answer his phone" Walter added.

Why would he just leave? Where would he go?

I wondered if I had anything to do with his disappearance.

He wouldn't just leave without telling anyone would he?

I ate my cereal silently, while walter and Devon said their goodbyes to Jordan before leaving.

"Here try to call him" Jordan said tossing me his phone, which I caught skillfully.

Because I'm a badass.

I pressed 'Mac' in his contacts pulling the phone to my ear.







"You have reached the voicemail box of MAC please leave your name and number and a brief message after the tone"


Nobody has time for voicemail!

I shook my head throwing the phone e back to Jordan.

"He didn't answer it" I told him.

"Go get ready and let's go and get yours" He answered, sliding the phone back into his back pocket.

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