44.|Old Habits Die Hard

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The remaining time until the wedding practically flew by, Mac and I were stronger than ever and practically inseparable.

Kailey, however did manage to pry me away for the eve of our big day.

We reached the restaurant around 7 PM, gladly taking a booth by the back of the establishment.

Kailey tossed her purse into the booth seat before sliding in beside it, "A little chilly in here, isn't it?" She complained.

I shook my head, sliding into my own side of the booth, in all honesty, I missed Mac and would rather be out to a meal with him.

"What's the matter? It's your last night as a single woman and you've chosen to spend it moping?" She giggled, slapping my arm across the table.

I returned a fake smile as the waiter approached, "What can I get you lovely ladies to drink?" He asked thickly.

His eyes met mine and I suddenly couldn't speak, something about him was extremely familiar, his voice, his eyes... I could tell I knew him from somewhere.. somewhere bad.

I could see he knew it too, by the dark and plagued look he kept shooting in my direction.

"Water for me" Kailey cut in, obviously writing off the strange behavior she had witnessed.

"Of course, and you, Macey?" He chuckled, pointing his pen at me.

My heart dropped to my stomach as I choked over my words, fumbling like an idiot, "S-same" I finally got out.

He tucked away his pen, turning away and back toward the back, leaving us completely alone.

Absolutely alone.

It was only then that I noticed, our hostess was gone, no customers were anywhere to be seen, and Kailey was still oblivious.

She was shooting me cocky looks across the table.

"We have to go...Now" I told her as calmly as I possibly could.

"What? Why?" She started, but I sprung up, grabbing her arm

I pulled her from the booth and through the empty restaurant aisles, nearly tripping over the heels Kailey begged me to wear.

I could see the sign on the door was flipped to closed, explaining the lack of customers.

I gave the door a push, causing the bell above it to jingle, except it didn't open.

Instead a pair of rough hands grabbed my arms, twisting them into a painful jumble behind my back.

"Get that bitch!" I heard a voice behind me shout as Kailey tried the door again, she was scooped up and tossed over some big guys shoulder before I knew it.

"Let us go or I'll fucking kill you, that's a promise!" I screamed into the air.

It was true and I knew it.

They, however, ignored my earning, dragging us, not gently, to the back of some rust bucket van.

I was thrown into the metal floor and Kailey soon followed.

Once they shut us in, I struggled to sit up, helping Kailey do the same.

I slid over next to her, "I'm sorry" I whispered to her.

"Mac is going to kill them all" she told me, touching my lip and showing me the blood on it.

I nodded, I knew he would. They would all die, and I would walk down the aisle tomorrow.

At least that was what I thought, until we reached our destination.

I was pulled from the van and positioned on my knees, Kailey was in a chair, off to my side.

I felt a blunt pain before the dizziness set in and I toppled over.

My hands were bound, so I could do nothing to stop the ringing in my ears.

I could feel the blood encircling me, spilling from somewhere in my head. I started to slip from consciousness, no longer able to see a clear image in front of me.

Kailey's shrill screams filled the air as she repeated the same 6 words over and over.


I could only hope that she was right, even if I wouldn't be around to see it.

I entered a darkness, a void. There was nothing here but me and my thoughts.

That's exactly how I came to the conclusion that I knew exactly where i'd met  these men before.


They used to be his friends, but then they suddenly hated him. My best guess is something about drugs.

So why do they want me dead? Who's to say, but judging by the light I'm starting to see, they might just get their way.

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