41.| Yes to the dress

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Kailey showed up, promptly at 8 A.M, chipper and ready to go.

I, on the other hand, was completely and utterly dreading it. I already knew that no dress could possibly make me feel confident enough to walk down that isle.

I sucked it up and climbed into the car anyway, heading off to the dress shop in the next town over.

"So what kind of dress are you thinking of, like, a princess dress, or a silk dress... Ohhhh or a gown, maybe with a sweetheart neckline?" Kailey conversed with herself.

"I'm undecided, I'll know if its the one" I shrugged.

I mean you just know, right?

Like with Mac, I just knew he was the one.

We walked into the extravagant store, looking around us at all of the designer dresses.

I immediately spotted a simple yet elegant dress, one with a corset top and a beautiful chiffon overlay on the bottom half.

I walked up to it, pulling the material between my fingers. I studied the beaded corset, the price tag hanging from it.

"Kailey" I called, getting her attention.

She walked quickly to me, her eyes glazing over when they landed on the dress, "Its perfect" She cooed, "is it the one?" She air quoted he words I'd used moments before.

I nodded My head slowly, never taking my eyes off of the gorgeous dress, "I think so"

Just then a well dressed man joined us, "Nice piece isn't it?" He asked with a smile.

"It is" Kailey nodded.

"Who's the bride to be?" The man asked, looking between the two of us.

"I am." I stepped forward reaching out my hand for the man to shake, "Macey.".

"I presume the groom to be is a very lucky man" He shook my hand, "you can call me Matthew"

He retracted his hand, turning to Kailey, "you must be the maid of honor".

"Yes, my name is Kailey, nice to meet you" She smiled, giving him a quick wave.

"Pleasures all mine, now how can I help you lovely ladies?" Matthew asked clasping his hands in front of him.

"I would very much like to try this one on" I told him, running my fingers over the silken fabric once more.

"Ah, yes, of course", he replied with a smile, as he plucked the dress gracefully from the rack, signaling me to walk ahead of him to, what I assume was the fitting room.

I did as he suggested and shuffled ahead to the area I could now see was labeled 'Dress Fitting'

He used a key from around Hus neck to unlock the first door, hanging the dress on,the hanger inside, "Here you are" he smiled.

I went inside allowing the door to shut behind me before shedding my clothes.

I stepped into the dress, pulling it over my legs and then upward.

Once it was on I turned toward the mirror, my jaw fell open,this dress fit me like a glove, it looked as if it were made for me.

Without a doubt, undeniably, this was the dress I came for.

I walked out allowing Kaileyto see me in the dress, her eyes went wide and if I wasn't mistaken, they even welled with tears.

"Yes" was all she said.

That was a yes to the dress.


One more week and I could marry my best friend.

I had never been more excited for anything in my life, well, as far as I could remember.

She was everything I could remember, she made me remember and now, I was going to get to marry her.

She had left early for dress shopping, leaving me in her room, with nothing to do but poke around.

That's what I did, I stood up from the bed, making my way to her red cherry dresser.

I looked down at the brass nobs, hesitating slightly before tugging one open.

My eyes immediately landed on a manilla folder with black scribbled writing on it that read 'PROFILES' I picked it up, opening it.

As I flipped through it, my heart sunk nearly to my stomach.

On each page was a photo of a man, his name, address, schedule and some facts for who he was and what he had done to my Macey.

Each mans face had a red X on it, signifying that our mission had been completed.

What had caused my blood to run cold was the last page, on it was a man whose face had no X, and his photo wasn't like the others, instead it was taken from across a bar, and my Macey was on his lap.

I had no name, nothing to go off of but his shitty photo and a chicken scratch writing that said 'execute' it wasn't my writing, or Maceys...

I didn't even know who he was, but I knew one thing for certain, that motherfucker was dead.

An: who is it?

Is our Mac back?

Will he find his guy?

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