Tantrums and Haircuts. - Baby!Niall Baby!Louis

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Prompt: well I always thought its really cute when little kids get their haircut so if you could do one of baby Niall and baby Louis getting their haircut buy Lou (Teasdale) or one of their other daddies then I think that would be really cute. Especially if Niall has a tantrum and Louis is an angel :3

{Yes omg! This is adorable! I could write this so many different ways, ugh. But I hope you like it!}

Niall - Headspace of a 2 yr/o

Louis - Headspace of a 2 yr/o

Zayn - Baba

Harry - Daddy

Liam - Papa

Lou Teasdale - Well just Lou

"Niall, Louis! Daddy is taking you both for a haircut!" Harry called from the kitchen. "Get your coats boys."

"Daddy, does that mean we have to be big boys?" Louis questions. Harry nods.

Whenever they leave their flat, Louis and Niall have to come out of their headspaces. Niall pouts, he doesn't like having to be a big boy much, he and Louis usually get to wear their nappies still, but they can't be carried or drink from bottles. The obvious stuff. It's the hairdresser Niall doesn't like at all, he hates them. They poke scissors and combs into his hair and sometimes spray his hair with water.

"Niall is not going to get a haircut!" He shouts, before he toddles upstairs to hide.

Louis however, is already waiting at the door ready to leave. Harry grabs his keys and is about to leave.

"Where is your brother?" Harry raises his eyebrow, Louis shrugs.

"Niall! Come on sweet pea, we have to leave." Harry calls, no answer.

"Niall bub, lets go."

Still nothing. Harry starts to lose patience with the blonde boy.

"Niall James Horan, if you're not at the door within 2 minutes I'm coming to get you." He shouts. But Niall doesn't come.
Harry knows where Niall will be, in his room under his bed. He hides there every time, and in all honesty Harry thinks this is adorable, but Niall is in trouble so he won't be cooing at the boy this time round.
He drags a screaming and thrashing Niall from under the bed and slings him over his shoulder taking him downstairs. Niall cries loudly, blubbering incoherent sentences about not liking haircuts.

"Ni, calm down. Stop working yourself up." Harry groans. Niall doesn't stop crying, he tries to wriggle from Harry's tight grip. When Harry doesn't put him down, Niall bites him.

"NIALL, NAUGHTY CORNER NOW!" Harry shouts then he turns to Louis,

"Louis, go to Baba and Papa. I have to call someone."

Louis nodded, skipping off to find his other two daddies.
When the cheeky lad leaped into his Baba's arms he asked for one thing, his dummy.
It was almost an impossible task to take away Louis' dummy when they had to go out. Instead of having a teddy bear or a blanket like most babies had, he had his dummy. It was red with a little car on it, Louis loved it.

Of course Zayn gave Louis his dummy, he sucked on it instantly, almost falling asleep in Zayn's arms.


Harry led the bands stylist, Lou Teasdale into the bathroom, where he had positioned a stool so Lou could cut the boys hair. First it was Louis turn.

Zayn carried him in and placed him on the stool, followed by Liam, who was carrying a still sobbing Niall. Harry was getting sick of Niall's crying, so he shoved his dummy in his mouth and gave him his favourite teddy.

Lou knew about Niall and Louis' little age play quirk. Fortunately she was okay with it. In fact she thought it was quite adorable to see the two boys wearing nappies and sucking dummies.

"Okay Louis, tilt your head forward love." Lou smiled, Louis happily obeyed. And in no time Lou had finished cutting his hair. Now it was Niall's turn, it's fair to say Zayn, Liam and Harry are quite nervous to see how this goes.

Liam lifts Niall onto the stool, straight away Niall attempts to get off the stool but Liam holds him back.

"No Papa, Niall doesn't want to." He sobs.

"You have to, otherwise your hair will grow to long!" Liam sighs.

"No!" Niall screams, breaking down into tears. His dummy falls from his mouth as he cries, he continues to push everyone away when the attempt to touch him. Liam calms him down then lifts Niall onto his lap, then whispers to Lou so she can start cutting Niall's hair.

She sprays Niall's hair with water, and he squeaks wrinkling up his nose, everyone in the room cooed at the blonde boy seated on Liam's lap. But as soon as the scissors came within 5 centimetres of Niall he screamed and pushed Lou's hand away.

"No!" He cried.

Zayn had an idea, he ran to the kitchen and filled a sippy cup with Niall's favourite black current juice before going back to the bathroom.

"Here Nialler, have some juice." Zayn smiled handing him the cup, Niall started drinking his juice, which distracted him. Lou started cutting his hair, and they all though she was going to be able to complete the difficult task of cutting Niall's hair, but as soon as he had finished his juice it was all over.

Niall began the kicking and screaming again, trying his hardest to escape from Liam's grasp.

"Come on Ni, I'm nearly finished. I'll give you a special cookie if you let me finish." Lou pleaded.

And that was enough to get Niall to sit still.


Lou had pulled 2 giant cookies from her bag.

"Both for me?" Niall asked.

"No silly, one is for you and the other one is for Louis." Lou laughs at the adorable little boy, she ruffles his hair and hands him his cookie.

By the time, both Louis and Niall had finished their cookies, they had crumbs on their faces and down their fronts.

"You boys are too cute, but I think you need a bath." Zayn laughs.

A/N: well I hope that was okay! Sorry it took me like forever. I'd also like to say thanks for all the votes and comments on this so far, it's amazing!

Don't forget to send in your prompts! (: and maybe vote, comment & fan me!

Bye guys!! Xx

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