Jealousy - Baby!Louis Toddler!Niall

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Prompt: can you please do one where the Louis is a baby and Niall is a toddler & all the 'daddies' pay more attention to Louis, making Niall jealous. Niall has accidents on purpose because he knows it gets him attention and love from his fathers.

{sure thing, this is actually so cute, jealous Niall is adorable. Actually Niall is always adorable}

Louis - headspace of a 1 yr/o

Niall - headspace of a 3 yr/o

Harry - Daddy

Liam - Papa

Zayn - Baba

Niall watches in envy as his daddies all coo over his baby brother Louis. To Niall it seems as though they never cuddle him like that, or laugh at him when he does something cute.

"Aw Louis." Harry coos as the baby giggles. Niall just rolls his eyes, trying not to focus on the rest of his family.

Maybe daddies don't like me as much as they like Louis, he thinks.

Niall still remembers when they potty trained him, if he had an accident daddies loved him then. He wished his daddies still liked him now that he was a big boy.
An idea popped into Niall's head, daddies loved him when he had accidents so maybe he should start going potty in his big boy pants. Because Liam, Zayn and Harry only seem to like babies and babies always go potty in their pants.


Niall was standing in the kitchen helping Harry cook dinner when he felt his bladder tighten, he needed a wee. He was about to ask Harry to help him use the special potty they had in the bathroom for him, but he remembered his plan.

Niall just stood there and let his bladder empty into his shorts, his pee clattering loudly onto the tiled floor. Once the flow stopped he looked up at Harry with wide eyes.

"I- sorry Daddy." Niall whispered, acting really upset.

"Oh no buddy, it's okay. Everyone has accidents darling." Harry sighs.

"But I'm a big boy."

"Come on, let's just get you cleaned up okay."

Niall nods, still acting rather disappointed in himself because he didn't make it to the potty in time. But in reality Niall was over the moon, his Daddy was paying attention to him again!

The pair passed Liam in the hall, he glanced at Niall's wet crotch and realised what must've happened.

"Oh love." Liam coos, kissing Niall's cheek.

"Li, can you clean the puddle he left in the kitchen while I clean him up please?" Harry asks.

"Sure babe."

Harry peels off Niall's wet shorts and boxers throwing them in the wash before wiping his sticky urine coated legs down with a cloth.

"Remember you need to tell Daddy or Baba or Papa when you need the potty." Harry says sternly.

"I didn't mean it Daddy, promise. It just came out." Niall whimpers.

"Hey, it's okay, I know it was an accident." Harry says, "come on, dinner's ready now anyway."


A few days later Niall decided it was time to have another accident. He hadn't been to the potty all day, so he was getting very desperate.
He was building a tower in the playroom with Zayn when he decided it was time to have his 'accident'. Niall let his wee run down his legs, forming a puddle on the floor.

"Aw Nialler, another accident? What's up with you lately love?" Zayn asks, soothing the teary eyed boy.

"Sorry Baba, I didn't mean it." Niall mumbles.


"Have you gone to the potty Niall?" Liam asks as he tucks Niall into bed.

"Yeah Papa." Niall grins, lying to Liam.

"Okay, night buddy. Have a good sleep."

Niall knew if he didn't go potty before bed he'd wake up later needing to go. So he was going to 'wet the bed'.

Not long after he fell asleep he woke up, straight away he started to pee, soaking the sheets and his pajama pants. Niall started to fake cry loudly, hoping to attract the attention of one of his daddies. Eventually Harry entered Niall's room, squatting down beside Niall's bed.

"What's wrong Ni?"

"Askident Daddy, sorry." Niall sobs. Harry pulls back Niall's blanket, and sure enough the blonde boy is laying in a wet patch of his own urine, wearing soaked pants.

"Oh love, again?"

Harry changes Niall's pants, carrying him into the bedroom where the daddies slept. He was allowed to sleep with his daddies because his bed was wet.


Niall's cycle continued for another week, most the time when he needed the potty he'd just do it in his pants. Zayn, Harry and Liam were certainly confused. Niall usually made it to the potty on time.

The three of them called Niall into the lounge room to try and find out why he's been having all these accidents.

"Ni, why have you been going potty in your big boy pants?" Liam asks, running his fingers through Niall's hair.

Niall sniffles, and starts to break down.

"I thought daddies no love NiNi anymore because you always cuddle baby Louis and not me. I 'member when I used to have accidents daddies love me so I do it 'gain." Niall cries.

"Aw baby, Louis is younger so he needs more attention from us. You're daddies special big boy and we still love you, if you want more cuddles just ask." Harry coos.

"But you promise you will use your potty now right?" Zayn asks.

"Promise Baba, I sorry for doing wee's in my big boy pants." Niall giggles.

"You're too cute." Harry laughs, cuddling Niall close.

A/N: omg sorry for the wait, but I feel this was worth it, hope you enjoyed it though! (:

please vote, COMMENT & fan me? (i don't get a lot of comment, so some more would be lovely)

Bye Chickens!! Xx

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