Caught Out - Baby!Liam

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Prompt: can you do one where liam likes age play and the others don't know and they go out one night and liam gets his stuff (teddy bear bottle and a dummy) and he fall asleep on the couch watching kids shows and then he gets caught

{sure, another baby!liam one to mix things up, also i hope you don't mind but he has a nappy too}

Liam - headspace of a 2 yr/o (will go in & out of it)

Niall - Daddy

Zayn - Baba

Louis - Dada

Harry - Papa

"Liam are you sure you don't want to come to the pub for some drinks with us?" Harry asks.

"Nah it's fine. I just want a quiet night you know." Liam smiles.


The real reason Liam didn't want to go out with the rest of the boys was because he wanted to use the time to go into his headspace. Liam loved ageplay, and in his headspace he was 2 years old. He drank from bottles, wore a nappy and had comfort items - a teddy and a dummy.

"We'll be back later Liam." Niall calls as they others file out the door. Liam smiles to himself, getting his ageplay items from his bottom drawer. He fastens the nappy around his waist, leaving off his pants, so he's just in a shirt and happy. He slips his blue dummy in his mouth before curling up on the couch watching Power Rangers with his teddy and blanket.


At 1am the four other boys come stumbling in the door, not quite drunk. Zayn was the first to notice Liam asleep on the couch, nappy around his waist and dummy in his mouth.

"Liam? Liam." Zayn whispers, shaking the younger boy lightly trying to wake him up.

"Huh? Oh hey Zaynie." Liam mumbles rubbing his eyes. When Liam realises he's still sucking his dummy and he's in a nappy he just about cries.

"I-I can explain." Liam whispers, a fear tears slipping down his cheeks. Niall nods, sitting beside Liam rubbing his back for comfort.

Liam explains the whole thing to the other boys and to Liam's surprise, not once do they look disgusted with him.

"Liam, do you want us to be your daddies love?" Harry asks.

"Y-you'd do that f-for me?" Liam mumbles, looking slightly happier.

"Of course we would Li." Louis smiles, kissing Liam's cheek.


"Well then if you're a baby, I think it's much past your bedtime mister." Harry laughs. "Who do you want to take you up to bed lovely?"

"Daddy." Liam giggles.

"Which one of us is Daddy love?" Zayn asks, cocking an eyebrow.

"Daddy." Liam repeats pointing at Niall. A huge smile forms on Niall's face as he picks Liam up, carrying him to his room.

"Until we get you a cot, you can sleep with me, is that okay baby?" Niall asks, running his fingers through Liam's hair. Liam just nods tiredly.

"Do you need a change or anything?"

"No." Liam yawns.

Niall climbs into bed, pulling Liam in beside him. He rubs Liam's back until the boy falls asleep against Niall's chest.

Twenty minutes later Niall still hadn't come back downstairs, so Harry, Louis and Zayn were wondering where he was. When they crept upstairs they noticed Niall's door was left slightly open so they peeked inside, all cooing when they saw Liam and Niall curled into each other sleeping.


Three months later, their little family was still strong and they were happier than ever. Liam made an adorable baby, and he had grown an adorable soft spot for Niall, which came as no surprise.

A/N: so so sorry for the wait! But here's an update, hope you like it.
You can leave prompts if you like, but remember for it to be original and have lots of detail. Like this it's easier to write which means quicker updates!

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Bye Chickens!! Xx

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