You Need This - Baby!Niall

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Prompt: Hey love UR writing btw
I know u have a lot of prompts now but could u possibly do a progressive age play with Niall where he always gets scared when all the fans mob them and cries so all the boys comfort him then he keeps crying and becoming really sensitive lately about many things and then while the boys are comforting him he calls them daddy so they decide to do age play!!!!
Feel free to change it up anyway u want!!!

{it's actually so hard to chose prompts, they're all so cute. but what really gets me is baby Niall, especially when he's upset about something}

Niall - will go into a headspace of 3 yrs/o

Liam - Baba

Louis - Papa

Zayn - Daddy

Harry - Dada


They all hated it, having to make their way through massive amounts of fans to get to venues for interviews and shows, but Niall was by far the worst.

As they dodged through the massive crowds of fan girls to get to the building the interview was in Niall was grabbed by his arm and dragged backwards by numerous girls.

"Zayn! Help." He shouted, Zayn was the one to usually stay by Niall's side in massive amounts of people like this, all the boys knew about Niall's claustrophobia and when it got bad enough the blonde would also have a panic attack.

Zayn turned back to see his Irish friend almost in tears, despite the security guards pleads for him to keep moving forward, Zayn pushed back through the girls to get to Niall.

"Let him go!" He growled, pulling Niall into his arms, Zayn picked the boy up bridal style and carried him the rest of the way.

By the time the entered the large building, Niall was having a full on panic attack, one of the worst he's ever had. He was shaking and sweating, he felt like he was going to vomit.

Zayn set him on a couch, rubbing his back soothingly.


Niall had calmed down and the interview had gone smoothly, but now they had to face the crowds again.

"Please, don't make me go back out their." Niall sobbed, backing away from the door.

"Niall mate, we'll be with you the whole time." Liam sighed.

"No. Please. I-I can't." Tears started to fall from Niall's eyes, and he started shaking violently again. He was having another panic attack and they hadn't even left the building yet, the boys knew they couldn't send Niall out there again.

"Paul, please we can't take Niall out into that crowd again." Louis pleaded.

"Louis, I know. But I'm not sure there's any other way." Paul sighed.

"Could you at least ask someone if we can exit elsewhere? I mean poor Niall is having a fucking panic attack!" Louis shouted.

"Okay, okay."

Shortly after Paul returned.

"We can go through the under ground carpark. The van is down there anyway." He smiled.


Louis told the other boys, Niall smiled half heartedly, glad he didn't have to go into the sea of people again.

Zayn grabbed Niall's hand, leading him, along with the other boys to their van. Niall sat between Liam and Zayn, bringing his legs up to bury his face in them. Once they'd left the car park, fans found their van and started to chase it, banging on the windows when they had to stop.

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