{~'~'CHAPTER FIVE'~'~}

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I opened the door and saw a man taking a shower. Luckily his back was to me so I didn't see anything unnecessary.  I slammed the door shut, and it banged loudly, the sound echoing throughout  the whole base. "What the heck was that!" I yelled at Orochimaru furious and my chakra was flowing out in every direction.

"I must of led you to the wrong door." He said and looked at me as if I was going to rip his throat out, which I was going to do if he kept these silly pranks up. I look closer to see he was trying hard not to laugh in my presence. "Oh really now." I said menacingly.

"I apologize for the inconvenience." He hissed while smirking a bit. He was really pushing my buttons. Inconvenience my hind! If I didn't need a place to stay he would have had it coming. "What kind of apology is that, I know you did this on purpose!" He simply turned around ignoring my statement before he started walking down a different hallway.

I glared at his back, hoping it would break. It didn't, so I glared harder until he felt uncomfortable. When he did feel my immense glaring he turned around slowly and smirked at me, earning himself more glaring. I really wished looks could kill by now. I huffed and started walking after him.

We stopped by at a different door far from the last one, thank goodness! He stepped aside and nodded his head to the door. I stepped up to the door and felt nothing or sensed any weird chakra, so I opened it up slowly revealing.....


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