"Call someone"

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"Let's go to a club or something" Matty suggests, I nod.

"Just letting you know I only really go to clubs ironically so yeah" I shrug. Oh and for the drinks.

I change into a black dress with black heels cause we're colour co-ordinating. I hate being colour co ordinating with people but we both really like black so I guess there's no going back.

"Oh. Lines" I say. I've never really been to one of those fancy clubs where people wait in line.

"Hah, nope" Matty says, taking my hand in his and leading us to the front of the line. The rope is pulled aside.

"Perks of being a famous human I guess" I giggle.

"I'm not famous" Matty says as he orders us two drinks. We sit at a table and he introduces me to some of his friends.

"This is Jasmine, Tom and Adam. Guys this is Tess" we all exchange hello's but I'm honestly overwhelmed, mainly cause this is the third Adam now. 

"I'll be back" Matty says removing his hand from the small of my back and heading off to the bathroom, following behind Tom.

"So Matty, huh?" Jasmine giggles. I don't know what that means or how to respond.

"Yeah" I smile in return and drink my wine faster than I should be.

I listen in as they talk about Adams recent trip to Ibiza, to which what I have gathered was basically a drug and booze paradise.

Matty finally returns, wrecked. I'm worried about him. "Tess lets go dance" Jasmine says, obviously sensing my eagerness to get away from that for a while.

"He's not always like this you know? He is a good guy, it's just hard with touring and everything for him" she informs me.

"Yeah. He wasn't doing anything when I met him" I smile.

"Ah, so a while ago then?" She laughs. Her hips sway with the beat, I try but I'm just too nervous.

"Umm, not too recently, no." I smile a little.

"Maybe you cured his addiction" she laughs. But this isn't really a laughing matter.

"I'm sorry, I think I have to go" I say and push through the crowds. Out. My heart beat quickens as I look for an escape, anywhere.

I head to the bathrooms, I shove open the door and ignore the girls snorting lines by the mirror.

I give Gigi a call. "Babe, hey" she says cheerily through the phone. Her voice brings a sense of calm over me.

"Ah, I love you" I tell her. I never want her to forget that.

"Are you all right?" She asks, she knows me too well.

"I'm at this club-"

"I'm coming to get you. Where are you?" She asks. My saviour.

"America" I sigh.

"Shit. Sorry, do you need me to call someone?" She asks, she's a good person.

"No, I'm better now" I say, I'm calmer now. "Thank you" I smile to myself.

"Call me anytime, love ya!" The sound of her kissing the air, then the dead line.

"Matty?" I say sliding into the seat next to him.

"Yeah, babe?" He asks, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I think I'm going to catch a taxi back to the hotel..." He doesn't really look like he wants to leave just now.

fallingforyou - Matty Healy. pt 1Where stories live. Discover now