Chapter 3: Soulless

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Ninja Dictionary:

⚔️Gene Ability- A genetic or specific ability to a person. This ability fits into one of the categories of Nin, and can only be learned by a specific person or clan

-May 20, 5 Days Later, Hikari's House-

"So you're really gonna fight Sinha?" Rozu asked sitting down at the wooden kitchen table.

"Yeah, don't worry I'll win for you." Hikari chewing on his cereal quickly.

"I can fight my own battles, and if you think you're fighting him first, you're mistaken!" Rozu announced.

"Wait...You're gonna fight him?" Hikari asked starting to get confused.

"Yes." Rozu stood up from the chair.

"But you aren't strong enough. He tied me in the final test of intelligence and strength. You achieved second, but including him it's third." Hikari stated facts.

"So? Just because I didn't do as well on a test, doesn't mean I won't perform differently in battle! Plus I'm stronger now, we worked together and you saw my strength!" Rozu shouted as she was offended.

"Yeah you aren't terrible, but still Sinha is unpredictable. His moves are tricky and his Nin gives me a strange vibe."

"Whatever I'm challenging him anyway!" Rozu ran out of Hikari's home.

"Hm... Well I guess I might as well not have this time to waste. I'll go watch their fight and learn all Sinha's secrets to battling!" Hikari deviously planned.

"Now let's see, where would Sinha be at this hour, I only have four hours before the fight goes down between them so I have to find him now or else I-" Rozu was interrupted.

"Hey Rozu you looked worried for some reason." Sinha appeared out of thin air, startling her.

"Huh? Sinha! You scared me!" Rozu breathed heavily.

"Oh sorry, you just looked upset so I came over. According to Hikari, it's general etiquette to ask and comfort a friend in need." Sinha stated, like Hikari was some philosopher.

"Hikari is teaching you friendship?" Rozu questioned it, but quickly shook her head and moved on. "Well speaking of Hikari, I have something to ask." Rozu cracked her neck. "W-Will you battle with me?"

"Battle you? Why?" He was surprised. "I don't see you as one who picks fights."

"I'm not, but well... I don't want to be overshadowed because Hikari is Valid Victorian! You two are supposedly better, however I'm not gonna be outdone by you two so I challenge you to a battle! I'll show you that I'm just as good if not better than you!" Rozu yelled.

"Ah I see, it's true I value you as a friend. However according to observation, I don't think you have the power to stand up to me or Hikari for that matter. So if you want to prove yourself fine this will be a good warm up for me." Sinha, much like Hikari went by the book with facts. Sinha, accepted her request despite this.

"I'll show you!" Rozu said as she started to go into thought. *When it comes to battles Sinha's personality changes and I feel a darker presence, it doesn't feel human but something else entirely. However I will fight through his fear, no matter how strong I'll win no matter what!*

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