Chapter 4: Cold Heart

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Ninja Dictionary:

⚔️Exo-Ability: A gene ability that was learnt by a ninja, without having the genes. This is usually caused by some unnatural event

-Raven's Edge, Illusion Village-

"Time to see what you got Valid Victorian!" Sora let out a devious smirk.

"Fine with me. Light Style, Luminosity!" Hikari formed his ball of light like before, but this time it had an blinding shine.

"Ah what the heck! It's so bright!" Sora complained, Hikari took advantage of this, knocking him into a cliff on the side of the village.

"Is my light too blinding for you?" Hikari asked as he kicked Sora in the jaw, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Not at all, I'm just surprised that you use Light style and not Ice style even though you're a member of the Yuki clan!" Sora sprung up and fought his way out of the corner.

"Who said I didn't know Ice style?" Hikari asked.

"You can't have more than one Gene Ability!" Sora yelled.

"Oh sorry I didn't get the memo. Ice Style, Snowflake!" Hikari created a snowflake and threw in like a shuriken.

Sora was surprised and unable to dodge. The snowflake shuriken hit his shoulder and froze it in ice. "I-I can't believe it. Two...I didn't know it was possible."

Hikari smiled. "My light style is what they call an Exo-Ability."

"You mean an ability learned without needing the gene? With an ability as strong as the ancient Light Creation it's unheard of." Sora gulped.

"Scared?" Hikari raised an eyebrow.

Sora looked him in the eye and smirked. "Of course not! First let me remove this ice. Ice Style, Cold Remover!" Sora removed the ice on his shoulder.

"Woah how did you do that?" Hikari became intrigued.

"There are differences in the Yuki and Kori clan. Although both of the special abilities have Ice Release, Yuki can create snow out of their ice. However Kori can make their ice transparent." He smiled.


"Allow me to show you!" Ice Style, Ice Transparency!" Sora vanished at once.

"Where did he go?" Hikari asked.

"I'm somewhere!" Sora giggled, his voice coming in all directions.

"Why can't I tell which side he's on?" Hikari asked as he was repeatedly attacked by invisible ice of Sora's.

"Oops sorry that was my Ice Style, Frost Punishment!" Sora chuckled.

"What's going on? Once he turned invisible, it's like I can't tell where he is even when he speaks. Whatever if his ice is transparent, ok then. Light Style, Luminosity! This should allow me to see him." Hikari formed the ball of blinding light.

Suddenly Hikari is thrown into the cliff, he is then met with a barrage of attacks and Luminosity fades away. "Even with your light you still cannot see me!" Sora laughed after he unleashed his Frost Punishment attack.

"I won't lose to you!" Hikari shouted as he blocked Sora's foot from hitting his jaw.

"I-Impossible, you saw my attack?" Sora asked with great shock.

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