Chapter 10: Evil Rises

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Ninja Dictionary:

⚔️Kin- A category of Nin, this allows a person to construct an object made of Nin, or reform an object made of Nin. It can manipulate elements to a full extent.

~June 1st~

"There are so many doors!" Sinha marveled looking at all fifty doors stationed in the temple.

"Ok, so let's try this one." Hikari pointed, looking at the one straight ahead on door number 29.

"Ok let's go!" Rozu rushed in door 29.

When they arrived at door 29, they found themselves in a volcano pit. "It's so hot!" Hikari complained.

"A volcano pit?" Sinha questioned.

"It looks like it, let's climb to the top." Rozu said looking at the stairs that wrapped around the volcano.

"But look there are three doors in the volcano" Hikari observed.

"Let's split up, if you think the door leads somewhere, tell us and we will check it out together." Sinha said.

They all split up running up the volcano, only to find traps waiting for them.

Hikari was climbing and suddenly arrow started to shoot out of the walls. One arrow grazed by Hikari's face. "So hot!" Hikari felt a burning sensation on his face.

Hikari continued to climb, and suddenly some stairs started to crumble and fall. Hikari jumped to the remaining steps, sweating and having trouble the whole time.

Hikari finally reached his door to the volcano, Hikari walked inside. When he walked inside he found a ledge and a deep black hole with spikes at the bottom. "Um not here!" Hikari yelled and backed away.

Rozu dodging arrows finally made it to her door. Walking in it was a room, burning on fire. "Ahhh, not here. Hikari lets go with Sinha" Rozu said meeting with Hikari heading towards Sinha's direction.

Sinha was reunited with the others and they approach the door. Walking in the room arrows immediately shoot at them. Dodging it they look around the room, they found a marking that said "The heat of this volcano come from?"

"Well the lava in the center obviously." Rozu replied.

"Hm, what does this imply?" Sinha asked.

Hikari thought a long time, and finally had an idea. "Guys ok I have an idea, this might be crazy but it's our only shot!" Hikari ran out and climbed to the top of the stairs.

"What are you gonna do?" Sinha asked.

"It's obvious isn't it, we have to jump into the fire pit!" Hikari smiled.

"Are you crazy!" Rozu yelled in anger.

"A little." Hikari giggled as he jumped straight for the lava pit.

"Here I come!" Sinha shouted as he jumped of the edge as well.

"W-What ok. I'm not ready to die!" Rozu yelled falling from the cliff. Rozu plunged into the fire pit.

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