Chapter 22: The Yuki Clan

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Ninja Dictionary:

⚔️Assassin Academy- A school dedicated to train assassins. An assassin academy is general trained much stricter and faster as compared to a ninja.

~ Kami Island Cliff ~

Ceres's lilac hair blew in the wind from the explosion. His violet eyes concentrated on the pile of rubble.

"Hm I'm not sure if I should go over there." Ceres scratched his head.

The rubble started to move. "I." A voice said.

"Someone still have fight in them?" Ceres asked.

Suddenly the rubble was instantly cleared. "I won't let you win!" The pink haired girl screamed, her aqua eyes shined.

"Oh?" Ceres smirked.

Matsuri sat on the ground. She was badly injured, and began to heal herself. "Yosei I'll help soon."

"Take your time! I'll protect you in the mean time!" She replied.

"Oh how noble of you. Although I hate girl ninja like you."

"Excuse me?" Yosei glared.

"Weak women who get by with looks alone." Ceres replied with attitude.

"Weak? Sorry I think you're mistaken." Yosei channeled her Nin.

"The pretty ones are always worthless in this world."

"You're making me angrier every second. I'm sure if Rozu was here she would've already beat you up, so I gotta do the same."

"Celestial Style, Red Shift!" Ceres raised his hand, a red glow appeared, followed by a strong current.

"Crystal Style, Jewel Coat!" Yosei coated herself with shiny gems.

Yosei was knocked backwards from the powerful current sent by Ceres. "It is just as I said." Ceres yawned.

Yosei suddenly appeared behind him. "Birthstone Blades!" Yosei formed one sword of pearl and the other of diamond. The blades cut through his flesh.

"Sh-Shit!" He coughed up blood. *She got so much faster.* Ceres thought.

Yosei pulled out the swords and went to attack again, but was sent backwards by Red Shift.

"Crystal Style, Razor Jewels!" Yosei sent around 50 pointed jewels at Ceres.

"Celestial Style, Black Hole!" Ceres raised his hand, the black hole absorbing the attack .

"That black hole is a problem." Yosei snickered.

Yosei attacked with close combat, Ceres countered her attacks. They were both quick with attacks, doing multiple jumps, and kicks.

"You aren't too bad with close combat." Ceres admitted, continuing to attack her at a close range.

"I'm not weak as you say!" She fought back.

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